league of legends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *ScoutPots (01), Apr 11, 2013.

  1. My post? I would expect you to say it tasted fruity! :lol:
  2. I'm challenger nubs.
  3. Diamond 4. tf/leona/nasus main

  4. You too?
  5. I used to play a lot with jester (but I don't think she ever hit 30) sadly she isn't on these days.
    She liked katarina top mid or jungle (lol)
  6. AD Blitzcrank jungle is simply OP.
  7. Not in new jungle. I mean the ganks are strong, but it's not viable on 4.20.
    Ap blitz tho.. His hook and ult have 1:1 ap scaling. Get a lich bane, zhonyas, rabadons, a DFG if you're really snowballing, and some tank item, IMO randuins.

    500 ap you'd get
    Lichbane: 75% ad 50% ap so something like 80 250 damage on the next auto
    Q (hook) 200 500 (I think)
    E (knock up) 180ish
    R (ult) 500 500 (again, I think)
    Ap blitz is hard to get that fed, but if you do, you nuke people.
    That's 1800 damage with just that , much less if you prock the lich bane again.

    I love blitz. So many options.
  8. Always buy 7 Warmogs on Ashe. Remember, the more health you have, the more time you have to deal more damage.
  9. Faker senpai is that you?
  10. New build:
    Zhonyas, rabadons, DFG, DFG, DFG, DFG, DFG. :C
  11. Yes
  12. Oh sweet lord.
  13. I play sona support:3
  14. This isn't advertising.
  15. I play Sona mid, usually in ranked as a counterpick to Yasuo.
  16. I'm still not so good. Im okay. But I did use sona mid, also tried top. xD went well cause I'm a good tower hugger. x)

  17. It's Doublelift stupid. Doublelift is wannabe Faker.
  18. League is rubbish. Dota 2 and Smite are far superior. ️
  19. Moshi Monsters, son.
  20. varus/ww/fidd