I used to play a lot with jester (but I don't think she ever hit 30) sadly she isn't on these days. She liked katarina top mid or jungle (lol)
Not in new jungle. I mean the ganks are strong, but it's not viable on 4.20. Ap blitz tho.. His hook and ult have 1:1 ap scaling. Get a lich bane, zhonyas, rabadons, a DFG if you're really snowballing, and some tank item, IMO randuins. 500 ap you'd get Lichbane: 75% ad 50% ap so something like 80 250 damage on the next auto Q (hook) 200 500 (I think) E (knock up) 180ish R (ult) 500 500 (again, I think) Ap blitz is hard to get that fed, but if you do, you nuke people. That's 1800 damage with just that , much less if you prock the lich bane again. I love blitz. So many options.
Always buy 7 Warmogs on Ashe. Remember, the more health you have, the more time you have to deal more damage.
I'm still not so good. Im okay. But I did use sona mid, also tried top. xD went well cause I'm a good tower hugger. x)