league of legends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *ScoutPots (01), Apr 11, 2013.

  1. I just got arrested for murder in Age of Wushu. v_v
  2. Please understand this. NO ONE CAN READ WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! Okay?
  3. You mean you can't understand what he is saying?
  4. Nope, he's right. I can't read.
  5. There is a difference between knowing how to read and knowing what he is talking about 
  6. LoL... You fail /).-
  7. You get the point.
  8. It is very difficult to understand what OP is saying.
  9. Shush fluff. You lost that osw in tsc with los and bo.
  10. Whatever happened to tsc? Why biscuit change build? What happen to the volley scams.
  11. What about DotA?
  13. I love LOL but my mac wont play the download. It downloads from the sight but everytime i try to open it says file not found. Any help someone could give me would be appreciated.
  14. I was silver as ezreal last season, but this season have only played dominion as it's all I have time for.
  15. Ezreal and Taric :)... and redownload? idk id mac supports league...
  16. i'm not sure if league is supported by mac but i think it does... have you search it up and researched about it online?
  17. You play DotA? do you have to pay for it? I wanted to try it but i wasn't sure if you had to pay.... the DotA community is a lot better but the game is harder and I haven't tried it yet :/ any info on it?
  18. oli and eric you guys should add me, username gerpums. I just hit 30 3 days ago :D

    usually play leona, blitz, morg or vi.
  19. Stupid game. :roll:
  20. That tasted purple!