90% in here are bronze/silver and complain about ranking system matchups ? So what, if you're good enough you will climb, since most games are not trolled by idiots. But many don't seem to understand they are just not good enough to climb higher. I was placed in Silver 1 after going 6/4 in placements. Played vs plat/gold lvl accs only and they put me in silver 1 after winning more than lose? was dann annoying but guess what? I staid there for not even a day. So don't complain ️
You have a good point, but placing in a lower tier than expected is very demoralizing for most people. Most league of legends players get to high levels and use their level as a means of bragging rights, and when placed into bronze, it can cause some players to have less fun as Bronze players are the button of most jokes in the league community. While it is true that climbing the ladder in league is pretty easy if you know what you are doing, placing in lower ranking can discourage players from trying to get better, as they see only deteriorating performance in their rank and get disengaged from what should be a very competitive experience
During the early portion of the season due to the soft MMR reset, everyone is a few Tiers lower than they are should be. If you were Challenger and went 10-0, you are placed in Plat 1. The only exception is players who have never played ranked before, in which case you were subject to the average Bronze-to-Gold spectrum based on your provisionals. Let's be honest here... it's not strictly fair that Challenger ranked players should immediately be placed in Challenger, because then they honestly have nothing to achieve until someone comes along to dethrone them. They can literally sit and do nothing and keep their rank until others climb, which is not exactly a fair process. Thus, they are placed lower than they were, even given a perfect 10-0. Applying this "scale down", it's more fair if everyone is ranked a little lower. If you were Plat 1 and went 5-5, you should not be in Plat 1... because Plat 1 is now filled with Challenger and Master level players from last season. I mean, if that were me, I wouldn't want to be in Plat 1 and be crushed people way above my Tier... I'd rather take my 5-5 in provisionals and start somewhere near Plat 5, maybe Gold 1 or 2 and then work my way up. By then, the new Challenger level should have emerged and I would remain with people near my MMR and playing strength. If I WERE placed in Plat 1, I probably would lose several in a row and get demoted a few times anyway, so it's the same cause in the end.
You know what's fun to do last night me and my friends got together to do a 5man adc comp just so happens we were group with another 5man team and I just so happened to be playing sivir top and got 5 man ganked at the start it scared me shitless and I was in Skype yelling help and my friends just watched and laughed as I was being chased by a lee sin kass jaxbut we won the game as vayne jungle is op in the hands of a diamond player.
To the one speaking about faker : Faker would win with any champion against any other player using any champion. This dude is insane. There's probably no player in the world who can win the lane against him without either massive help or faker needing to roam to carry.
This was pre-season 5. I haven't gotten to play in months due to relocation restraints. I'm not sure if MF ratios were changed or are still the same. Nashors was the firstvitem for the build, I'll tell you that much.
If you are good... You should be able to carry yourself back to where you were. @Argoli. Faker is great but skt is middle of the pack. I think more and more people are figuring them out. I was amazed at his cs the other day he was building a blue build ezreal and had 101 cs or so at 10 min. The other mid laner was about 90 I was amazed at their ability to cs under tower and in lane
I think that blue ezreal is one of the most fun builds in the game and am glad that people like faker support it