League of Legends fans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pfhgetty1337, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. XD I haven't ever gotten a pentakill and I'm lvl 30
  2. No, the skin! xD I'm so noobs to get a pentakill, so far my best role is supp with sona xD. Like, I had a moment sona bot,sona mid,sona top!
  3. Penta kills are fun to get
  4. x) I can't even last hit minion well. hmm..sooner or later I'll get my pentakill....... I guess.......in my dreams!xD
  5. Just practice last hits. It's a very important part of the game. You're lucky it's not like Dota where the opponent can deny you.

    As for a pentakill, I've only ever gotten 2 both with kassadin. First one took me over 300 wins to get. Lots of quadra, but it's always that team mate that steals it!
  6. So all those that ADC main I've got a question for you all.

    I'm level 25 and have been maining support for a while (blitz/thresh=bae) and what I'd like to know is who your favorite support is to play with? I'm looking for new support champs to play so that I can open up my pool and become a someone with a more broad play style.

    On another note, has anyone else tried the anti farm LeBlanc Veigar dual AP bot Lane? Playing with friends it's the most fun I've had I'm game by far. Try it out sometime!
  7. My favourite is thresh.
    I max Q for the bants.
    Have like a 60% win rate on him - he's awesome for engages :)

    And damn.
    That sounds... Interesting ;)
  8. Agreed
  9. What is this...
  10. I'm just annoyed at this seasons placements. I ended like silver 4 last season. Then went through my placements. Went 5-5 because of some super awesome intentional feeders. Ended up averaging a 10/5/10 kda over the 10 games.

    And they put me in bronze 4 lol.
  11. This new season placements are horrendous.
    The Placement MMR has either been increased, or randomized.
    Went 10/0 in my placement matches, and ended up in silver 4.
    Either A: The people I played against were SO LOW that it lowered my MMR
    Or B: I needed to get 15/0 or something to place higher
  12. I had a friend get dropped from plat 2 to silver 3
  13. All i have to say is..

    DJ SONA!!!

    My fave champ, in my fave Moba, playing some of my fave DJs like pretty lights, bassnectar, crystal method, and dada life.
  14. This post....
  15. They did a soft reset on MMR so you should place lower. But I agree its a little crazy

  16. I was s3 last season, now I got b1(3wins/10) cause fook people actually go afk and well, thanks for yi top and Ashe mid, and I don't know.... Need to crawl back to silver.
  17. Yeah, I think riot should either rework the way mmr works, or never do resets again because it's very discouraging to place in bronze 4 and having to work your way up to silver or gold again. I don't think that LP should be the determining factor in rank, because ELO worked so much better, and it was much more competitive. ELO didn't allow Diamond players to stay in diamond if they continuously did badly in games, and made buying LoL accounts much less viable. LP, however, allows you to stay in a single tier for amazingly long extended periods of time to the point where some bronze tiers get matched with gold because of the way series work. All in all, LP did not do much to make the game more fun, and it ruined a perfectly good ladder system

  19. Just had my first pentakill of this season.

    Destroyed em lol.