
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sparta-2qw, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. I macro just as much in Warcraft as they do in star craft
  2. @rikki


    You get 4 bases in Warcraft and about 20 production structures? Doesn't work like that. If you're thinking of micro then yes. Warcraft is much more micro intensive in a lot of ways.
  3. Ive never gotten a chance to play warcraft, i like rts and turn based strat as well such as civ, but for a all time favorite rts game is total war

  4. I'll crush u at Civ m8 
  5. Which one lol ive played all but 4
  6. civ 4 is best.

    starcraft is nice too, used to be high-elo player until i hurt my wrist :(
  7. Never heard about ADC Thresh? One shot dem squishies late game with Hurricans lmao
  8. Lol i like to use kog for a adc that and i bought his battlecast skin
  9. Ap kog ap af

  10. I used to be high elo too, until I took an arrow in the knee..
  11. I main Yasuo, insanely fun and contrary to popular belief. Requires skill, anyways from following a little lcs. IMT looks solid.
  12. I'm not too big on watching lcs but here is what I do.

    Voli bear main top.
    Teemo jg and sup if adc is ez
    Lux mid
    Blitz support at normal times
  13. Blitz is fun and trolling with teemo is even better lol
  14. Teemo jungle honestly isn't as bad as everyone says somewhat decent clears. Huge ward coverage and vision control anti adc and split pusher he can pull off some nice plays.
  15. However I main
    Top: poppy
    Jungle:(main role) shaco wukong teemo ekko talon
    Mid talon Ahri Anivia Ekko and Fizz
    Support Brand
    Adc twitch Corki sivir
  16. I main teemo. Gg glhf ez kappa noob loser wth reporting hack ez kappa gj troll lol welp
  17. IMT and TSM won. nice day.

    "Wildturtle not top tier Adc" they said
    "Not the same as in S3" they said
  18. He just needed a good team :3
  19. Agreed that's why I wait last second to choose teemo jg lol so I don't have to deal with dodged lobbies. Also teemo can defend base amazingly with mass amounts of his mushrooms
  20. Tsm is my favorite team, and my favorite player overall is probably westdoor.

    My fav champs: skarner, braum, orianna.
    Got placed b5 which isn't fun, but after that I've carried and won 8 of my last 10 xD. Almost to b3 promos now, and will be gold like my friends by may hopefully >>