LB Reform: Proposal and Petition

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Support
  2. . Support
  3. Support!!!!!!
  4. Email it I beg.
  5. Support great idea
  6. I think their should also be a highest overall leaderboard with the same principles as you mentioned only it would take into account your bonus from allies for both spy attack and defense and attack and defense.
  7.  support 
  8. Why dont you grow and quit complaining, you obviously dont want battes because YOU HAVE NONE!
  9. The problem is that you are only proposing this because your either small, or you dont want your main acc to be bashed on for this
  10. @Killer If you had read any of the other threads about this there have been several HCBC and lb players commenting on this.
  11. Again it's the Overall lb that has the problems, why Battle wins and Spy actions should reflect on kingdom strength is beyond me.
    Overall should be Build plus BFA only.
  12. Love it
  13. Support 
  14. Support. Well stated.
  15. @Killer

  16. 100% support