I like your point CG that's prob easier if you combine wins n spy wins you get a better idea where you stand.
I like this idea, but there is one definite reason that the devs won't change this. All of those leaderboard players spend thousands on nobs and xtals, right? If they took out the effect of actions, leaderboard players probably would get pissed of change and get mad at devs. They would most likely quit. The devs don't want those players who give them all that money to leave. Tldr: If it changed, current leaderboard players would get pissed, leave, and ATA would lose profit. Hence, why leaderboard is how it is and why it won't change. FYI Support!!
no support from me, nothing personal.... In my experiences as a KaWer I look to the LB for my daily news feed and entertainment.What i mean by that is that i go to check on some friends and see if they have moved up. Even to laugh/grimace at the n00b posts on RS wall or the most recent big volley drops. If the devs change it to battle wins and spy wins you will see next to no change in the LB so then why have a LB? So based on having by lack of entertainment and news diminishing, absolutely no support from me.
No support. Even though this is my only attack account, I feel that spies should not be separated from the pack as a "special" group. It may be slightly more difficult for a spy to hit lb because of the massive stat disparage between a hlbc attack and hlbc spy, however, it can be done. If you stop counting spy actions, (which are already weighted - it's not like 1 scout = 1 steal), then spies will have an even more difficult time reaching lb standing. Spy builds should not be ostracized. The spy build is meant to be less desirable and more difficult than the attack build. So, i personally don't see a real issue with the current lb. I like looking at battles won. I like cursing at my husband for having a higher battles won ranking than I do and then giggling like a school girl when my weak ass is ranked higher overall.