LB Reform: Proposal and Petition

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. @A1
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, we're not sheep. I was just referring to his comment that the only people who wants a lb reform are small players who will never see the top ranks of the lb, that's why I mentioned you.
  2. Yeah for sure I think it's frustrating to all not just smaller players. I mean having an smaller player rank higher then you can frustrate just about anybody.
  3. I don't like copying other peoples posts in forums, but this time I make an exception.
  4. You have my partial support, I think that all of the leaderboards should be removed, spy's power should become equally balanced with attack builds power (equal stats) and there should be an overall lb which takes into account: Permanant items (i.e pro packs/resets), equipment, ally bonuses, and stats.

  5. hey Blair dont cause me trouble  lol
  6. All im saying is that I dont think its fair that ppl w/o battles can rank high, battles actually show how long u have been around compared to some lb people who would rather spend their whole pay check to look pretty
  7. 100% support these proposed changes
  8. @Killer
    Don't get me wrong I do see your point of view, it is annoying that if your bank balance is big enough you can get to number 1 quite easy, Reds alt shows this. I'd just like to look at the Overall lb and have it show true strength, own build plus BFA.
  9. Support. Because some days in ranked in 8000 range othier days not ranked at all
  10. I would support if resets was done away with , to put everbody on a level playing field
  11. Everyone is on a level playing field, nobody is forcing people not to do resets.

    Still supporting
  12. You can do resets if you want, there is noting stopping you, they won't do away with resets. Why would you want too, that's just stupid.
  13. It makes no sence there would be prob 500 tied for num 1 on lb enlighten me?