It makes sense to me that there should be a leaderboard for attacks AND steals but they shouldn't count towards your overall ranking, just as a direct comparison to other players. As for the overall ranking system my own opinion is it should only come down to your own stats plus the stats of your ally's NOT their value in gold. I once had a 120b statless ally and was ranked on the ally LB, which makes no sense at all.
@ Ultimate Killer page 14 and 17 You say only small noobs want this changed while your much bigger clan mate has been very vocal and shown big support this lb change.
SUPPORT, with a few amendments: 1. CanadianGal amendments (page 4) 2. Keep Overall LB, but change algorithm to match petition 3. Align clan ranking and LB ranking SUPPORT
I really hope something comes of this, it would be great to look at the Overall lb and have it reflect true Kingdom strength. I know I'll never be high on lb, I'm only 9,693 Overall and 4,075 in Allies but I always look at the lb everyday to see is there any changes.
@ Blair UK has his own opinions just like I have mine. Just because we are in the same clan does not mean we can't have differing opinions.