Before you go on vacation until seem to have forgotten to roll out the xmas plunder wouldnt want to forget that bit of income now would you? Plunder spells up to 2000%?
Good job reducing it from four items to two for main item,btw. Moves it a bit more toward play to win than straight pay to win. Now any comments on if this megaevent is leading up to new land release?
So I don't qualify at all for a banner token. You suck devs. I hate this event but I hate you even more.
Don't get me wrong,I love events,but don't y'all know 2 straight months is pretty farfetched? Seriously, half my farm targets will be too scurred to even cast.Lmao. Js.
I keep getting chest.. But can only open 1 per day for free. Are they going to disappear when the event ends or will i have time to open them?
Seriously, the answer to less events isn't making a super long event. Happy some of you are enjoying this though.