Lay of the Rimelands

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Nub seals don't win events, drop train do
  2. omg read it right I said to get event items which are seals of the damned not what ever you are thinking -.-
  3. I feel that we should get a banner just for being in all four events on the total amount of items pvp epics together and war if was in it ie for every 500 items made in each part added together at the end to give a grand total which the devs then can see what banner that person will get not just hopeless rime tokens which most players will never aspire to reach but that's my opinion 
  4. This post makes no sense, you already get banner tokens for collecting certain number of items in each event
  5. We already have the hoarfrost lands. Where the "Rime Elves" are from. So no, not the new set of lands to come. Smh.
  6. Just simply another 1 off especially old/new/past or present/future etc?%more✖️times generally speaking is just another event designed
  7. Really sorry my posts are incorrect
  8. . . . SOO why is there a gap from the end of part 4 and the award of banners? Anything we need to know about the HTE
  9. Finally over
  10. What he said
  11. Why has the event ended but we still can't get banners?
  12. Still trying to milk us for more money with no chance at rime tokens?
  13. Thank god it is over.
  14. Devs already screwed me on the last hte I max xtalled the event ended 10 seconds before our hte.. I got no items for that hte and I would hit 10k if I got items on that drop so that's pretty messed up they costed me a better banner and all the other goodies for 10k.
  15. You claim that every event. Seems legit.
  16. Events now aren't like in the past like if a eb is going those items count when it ends. But now when it ends it ends and your screwed. 9,810 items I had that hte with Max xtals would have got me what I needed for 10k but nooooooo. Devs have screw everyone.
  17. Just to point out you only get around 110 items max from hte so no you wouldn't have made it. The devs didn't screw you over you just didn't make your goal. Better luck next event I guess.