Lay of the Rimelands - Part 2: Clouded Vision

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Thank you for including a top 500 war token category. It really helps some of the players.
  2. Zta drop rate for items would probably be great and every clan could do it for free. Devs gave those 10 free nobs for smash? 50 clan members active means 5 zta so everyone would benefit lol
  3. I was pretty tempted to put a little tldr in there... Buuuuuut I can tell they are trying so hard 

    Ah who am I kidding, no one reads after the first page any ways..

  4. PvP Blitz rewards will stay the same?
    And there is only Top 500 or is my kaw bugged?
  5. I think the war event is broke...

  6. Sorry about that, we had to make some quick changes to the War page to reorder the tiers from Top 100->50->10->500 (before) to Top 500->100->50->10 (after). It should appear fine now
  7. You're the best. I love your page but the link here is clutch
  8. If one was OCD would they even allow that to go through? :p
  9. By the way, if rime elves don't feel the cold why do they need Giant Fur coat.
  10. For swag
  12. What ebs are best for scrywater other than HTE and ROTWB
  13. Developers, would want players to use up those nobs before new lands come out.
  15. Notice there's no weed this time?
  16. Yes devs smoked it all.
  17. Losers need the 200 bonus thats bs
  19. Still no release of the new Sveruganti eb,a little disappointed that it hasn't been released yet as a lot of players have enchanted LotL resonators.Having that eb would go a long way in getting decent item drops without giving up gold for growth.