Zta drop rate for items would probably be great and every clan could do it for free. Devs gave those 10 free nobs for smash? 50 clan members active means 5 zta so everyone would benefit lol
I was pretty tempted to put a little tldr in there... Buuuuuut I can tell they are trying so hard Ah who am I kidding, no one reads after the first page any ways..
Sorry about that, we had to make some quick changes to the War page to reorder the tiers from Top 100->50->10->500 (before) to Top 500->100->50->10 (after). It should appear fine now
Still no release of the new Sveruganti eb,a little disappointed that it hasn't been released yet as a lot of players have enchanted LotL resonators.Having that eb would go a long way in getting decent item drops without giving up gold for growth.