Lay of the Rimelands - Part 1: The Frozen Calamity

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. You're not the boss of me.

    You're not the boss of me either.
  2. I feel like I heard that defense in elementary school from troublemakers.

    Knight could always strip you. *nudge*
  3. Imo there should be a few more tier rewards for War events. Finding a lowland-war clan is hard at the moment and if you can't find one you don't have a chance for #100, no matter how much you warred. either make it indi-only or add tiers.
  4. Im pretty sure if you ask the question without the op quote people will answer and if you do it with the quote people will just be mad.
  5. Developers, how about some "ZTA" with a 50% bonus increase over the weekend. HTE and ROTWB only if necessary.

  6. Top 100 is a very narrow payout for warring kingdoms. Many won't war at all, but only 100 people can recieve anything from that? Ouch.
  7. Already enough spare gold lying around kaw at the moment. Don't need more
  8. Hey add top 500 and top 1000 levels to war
  9. Pinned him. :p

    What's with the Aqua/Inferno token drops from wars devs? Glitch or something else?
  10. As usual with these events, the rich get richer and the poor stay poor

  11. Same here... Until some kind of bfa protection is established preventing full strips, I don't see a reason to sink more money into KaW.

    Kaw_admin - those who are build complete for a long time needs something else beside bfa to spend earned gold on.

    Give me a reason to support financially the game

    SOON IF NOT NOW![/quote]
    You've already sunk your money into all those chests. How is your investment going? Hopefully you can get a job on Wall Street now
  12. Let's go over some numbers together.

    Traditionally, to get the top tier equipment, you need to be Top 100 out of thousands of players. Thousands upon thousands. That's less than 1%. Those are tough odds, and players who beat them are rewarded with equipment that is both powerful and rare.

    In this event, you can compete with other players in War to earn the top tier equipment. There are currently 491 players with at least 1 Hoarfrost Wartoken. That means that as of now, roughly 20% of players who participate in Wars will earn the TOP EQUIPMENT for this event. That doesn't even take into account the fact that many of the 491 won't be playing competitively. If we had a Top 500 or 1000 tier, literally anyone who participated in a single war would earn equipment that it usually takes two weeks of epic battling to earn. One of the goals of this event is to get people warring competitively, not to give handouts that trivialize the work required to reach top tiers in events.

    If you generally think of top event tiers as unreachable, I would be working my ass of right now to start/join a war clan and crush wars until my tap taps hurt. This might be the best chance you ever get.
  13. I don't think you get it there is a few elite clan that exploit the crap out of everything the rest have no chance, having only top 100 nothing under that you have given all the exploiters the rewards screw everyone else and yes I am talking about ll wars not individual. On top of that you have given the exploiters the best rewards even though they pay hardly anything to do ee people spending their life savings on the EB side you know.
  14. This is true, but what about those of us who can only participate in 1, maybe 2 wars a day? Even if only roughly 500 are involved,we're only a day in. I feel there will be a great advantage to student players, who get to enjoy a vacation while many others will likely be forced to skip wars for work. We will see.

    Perhaps my speculation was preemptively negative, and for this I apologize. I will be attempting to stay competitive with a busy schedule, and I will see where I place before I make any more huffy remarks.
  15. I like how the wars are paying out EB tokens / War Tokens + Mith + Aqua / Inferno tokens. That's some major incentive to war if ever.

    One unload on HTE gets me 70ish remedy tokens, but a war win just gave me 575 remedy tokens along with the other stuff!

    I'm a student too, trying to get an indi in every day. As much as RL allows, I haven't seen any exploits in LL so far. Have you?
  16. Sad that I don't get war tokens for doing my EB sort it out devs thanks.

  17. Explain maybe? I've been doing a lot of LL wars, so far I haven't seen any exploits. If you have, share them.

    All I see are very good teams with a good knowledge of how builds work and how to use a roster coupled with team work.
    Is that not what wars are supposed to be about? The competition? Your own clan has one of the best wc's I've ever seen, shout out to fonz.

    Took me around 200b to find a good LL build, which is rather cheap. The LL wars don't allow for much variations in build type, purely comes down to how good the roster follows their wc and the wc's strategy.

    I'm curious to what these exploits are, please share?
  18. What are these players doing to exploit the crap out of the system? There are currently no BFA or BFE advantages. LL buildings are reasonably easy to grow and change. Matchups are random. If you let me know what players are doing to exploit the system we can fix it. Right now the only thing I can see these players taking advantage of is a good opportunity.

    That's a good point, but a difficult thing to remedy. We need varied wartimes for a worldwide player base. And in general, on a game that never sleeps, those that don't sleep will have an advantage.

    War payout is super generous. Although the Aqua/Inferno Tokens weren't supposed to drop ;)
  19. Let's say this there is no exploits, you think the rewards are fair spending next to nothing where EB side is ridiculous amount to get top 100? Get out.
  20. Kaw just said there is 491 people with 1 token so you are going to punish 391 people and give them no rewards at all just give rewards to the elite that's how you kill something.