Lay of the Rimelands - Part 1: The Frozen Calamity

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Makes sense.
    Will see how it goes.
    But as I said. Where does santa's sleigh come into this?
    And please go back to collecting one item far better than rotating for different ebs

    But I do like the shake up idea. And continual effort to improve events.
  2. The hell is Santa's sleigh? You talking about the sack event from last year? If so that didn't hit until Christmas eve, I think. Or right around there.
  3. Didn't realize you guys wanted new lands. brb.
  4. This is a ton of effort, and many more reward tears. Great job actually. I'm sure you'll make fist fulls of cash this Christmas season devs!
  5. Have you been ignoring my feedback :(
  6. Well played....

    Seriously though, I am not really all that interested in building bfa. Would like to have something to look forward to and incentive to continue spending like a crack head. So, uh, are we heading in that direction?
  7. Thanks kaw its a nice change looks like a nice event keep switching it up

    Oh and please do a pure PvP event tyvm.

    Edit: adding on to that you could of done a proper pvp event for this event along with ee wars and eb but you have messed that up now, blitzes suck btw.
  8. Why do blitzes suck? The reason we moved to a weekend system was because everyone complained that two or even one week was too long. Open to suggestions.
  9. Because when you put in the opt in feature you ruined it. Now all it amounts to is three days off hitting whatever open farm is available. The first pvp event, while too long, was chaotic and fun.
  10. keep up with the replies kaw_admin, good work on that part
  11. Removing the opt in wouldn't remove farms. The best solution for those was having the event item vulnerable, but the overwhelming feedback from that was that it was too punishing when you went to sleep and came up stripped. I'd be into trying a longer PVP event, but the biggest blocker is participation. Condensing it means more people are online to hit and be hit by.
  12. I believe a number of requests have been sent in about new lands,the last reply was keep watching forums.As you are giving out replies i'LL ask again about the release date of the new lands,also when will you be releasing the new Sveruganti EB it's been locked away for a few months now.Releasing it now will enhance this promo.
  13. Not many sign up they would rather continue hitting EB instead if it was a week long PvP event for rewards ebs don't count there will be more participation making it more fun I'm not asking you to throw everyone into it there will be a opt in button. IMO the best event was the patron saints event where you could choose which path to go kind of like what you have going now which could be 3 ways instead of 2.
  14. Oh and another thing the wars shouldn't give better rewards they don't cost much compared to all over parts of the game and all people do is exploit them.
  15. I.understand opting in wouldn't remove farmd. But it would greatly increase the fun factor and participation. When anyone is eligible to get hit everyone will be hit and in return a lot more people will hit back. It would also set off more strips which would be good for the game with the insane amount of gold available right now and would help your bottom line as huge strips lead to crazy amounts of xtalling.
  16. Grizzy you cannot force all players to pvp on demand.
    Many first time round caused uproar and players quit due to losing trillions whilst asleep.

    Certainly it's called kingdoms at war. But even so. Opting in on every one of my accounts and being forced to play a certain way during a weekend or week when I am otherwise engaged would lead me to put the game down and walk away until the event ended. This creating more open farms. Giving players the choice to opt in is the only fair method.

    Maybe what should be discussed is ways to improve incentive without excluding players.

    Wars are set to a timetable. Not manageable by all.
    Pvp blitzes with better or rarer rewards that people can aim for reasonably with a few hours of sensible playtime may be worth suggesting. Though I think the rewards have proven to be good enough overall so far.
  17. All well said and all that but i didn't say anything should be forced 
  18. Yea that was me. And that reasoning doesn't make sense since every kingdom is opened to being attacked any other time, why should during pvp event be different?
  19. because during any other time crap hits the fan if you farm the wrong person for no reason lol
  20. Wow i really love the Hoarfrost theme! :D