Yay. This is great! Ty No need to post here asking to become a beta tester. Kaw_Admin stated that he will post more info on how to sign up for it closer to the time.
It's already started, "I want the Beta achievement" it's going to end up a joke, best to have the test war but don't give an achievement. Keep it to the people who want to help, not everyone joining for the achievement. That's what will happen if you offer the Beta achievement, bunch of people signing up and then going to sleep.
Panic, I completely agree. Beta acheivement or not, I will sign up. I've been playing this game prior to the plunder war era, it will be nice to war again.
Yep Soup, same as the Summer War test round, we knew noting about getting a Beta and it worked out fine. Don't want a repeat of ASW, everyone just wanting the achievement.
Devs should at least compensate for those who spent gold on def pots by increasing the pots they already bought. Just saying...
Thx devs for putting pots in marketplace and finally coming out with beta war soon. Cant wait LONG LIVE WAR
Wait so we now lose more spies per scout meaning we do way fewer actions!!!??? SO will the DEVS be adjusting the achievements now??? I mean amount of spy actions is cut in half then we will never ever get the achievements!!!
I have a good feeling about this new system wars update. I think making the pots for sale is an EPIC WIN. Thanks devs!!!! Cant wait to test it. Fingers crossed on catching the beta test
I have read some of you commented about high spies ie hansels, osf or hybrids getting more drops compared to warrior build. My comments - true and not true. True high spies gets more new pots IF it drops. The random ratio of drops sux tho LOL. I hv been doing those EBs mentioned by dev that promises new pots n bronze bar but most of the time I got nothing at all zero drop . Been xtalling like mad n still no drop. Most to most keep getting inferno . As dev said, drops are random. Thus, it is self explanatory whether warriors or high spies it is still random tho. I saw warriors are getting more drops than high spies tho their new pots or bar are lesser. Oh n Equipment too. Guess that's the way dev trying to balance it ?? I don't know. Only dev can answer that. Just saying the above thru my personal experience. As for all the latest updates announced by dev, it brings KAW to a new level. Tho it upset builds n BFA tremendously, guess dev trying to intro a fairer level playing ground. Some may be happy while others may not as they hv put in lots of nobs, xtals and dont say time to be where they are now. Imagine w all the new pots n equipment soon a hansel may penetrate thru a 4 mil def stats etc?? Devastating right?? Well that's what I may call level playing ground. Hats off to dev for listening to comments, views n suggestions. On the hindsight, dev pls try not to throw in all the new stuff too quickly. We hv seen many new updates in past months unlike before it would b something like 6 months to a year to even see new stuff being implemented. Dev, you know it best with all the web analytics. I'm just giving my 2 cents worth or may not worth that much too . Thanks for reading ALL!!