Latest Update - Items, Scouts and Wars

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. New def pots released to balance out atk pot drops (blizzard, mind scream, Ect) then new atk pots are released. Why are we in the same spot as before....
  2. This makes it easy for small players to get fod pots and stuff but promotes pvp. It's an ok update I guess
  3. Thank you so much Devs :D

    Glad you listened to our concerns, sorry for getting a bit cheeky over them. :lol:
  4. Stop whining gods_illest. Just be happy that the devs are listening to community feedback and making changes based on that!!!! It's awesome!!!!

    Also, I think the scouts are great. Because I used to fear getting carpal tunnel unloading 84 scouts per hr during the war tourney. The tediousness and thumb-numbness of scouting is removed. YAY!!!
  5. just a question: do spy defence pots apply when you are defending against a scout? :?
  6. :lol: good point belle. It was a pain in the butt to scout
  7. No SDPs are not used against scouts.
  8. ty :mrgreen:
  9. Well done devs. It's impossible to please everyone but at least you're tryin ;)
  10. Is the pots purchase available permenent or limited time?
  11. I'm assuming permanent. Wouldn't make much sense not to.
  12. Do you realize what insane amount of gold was just injected in the kaw economy? I just sold of pots from FoD for 400b!! And I have in no way been doing an extreme amount of FoDs
  13. Devs! You listen! That's fantastic to hear :)
  14. 400bil? No way. That would be a ton of pots.
  16. So wait, will these items no longer drop off of ebs? Like tgl? If so, no point to do them now 
  17. 20k amnesia spells and 10k blizzards
  18. So blizzards sell for 10mil now, that would mean you sold 40,000 pots.
  19. You definitely overdid FoDs without hitting other players...
  20. Such a good update Guys :) really now all those people who don't wanna stock pile pots can have a choice to keep or sell but so many plus sides to this update just wanted to say Bravo KAW devs  xD