Last Rights vs SiCnIsS OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. Omg I gotta find those ss of u justifying ur self for self pinning ur then attack build lol just FYI Hansel (me) is dtw for attk build (u back then) if I have 0 gold out - learn the mechs before running ur mouth LOL Either way, Hansel build is for self pinning troops as troops isn't its strongest. Yet makes about same gold when it hits from pin as it will when it hits from full. Attack build earns more and succeeds more from full only. Do u understand at least as much? Lol and u pinned ur attk build for hours. Unless u were busy with ur laundry I assume lol I'm done here. U'll always be just another lr nub.
  2. Go sicniss ya you guys rock
  3. @Blazey For the love of God this is a forum POST not a blog.
  4. My housekeeper usually does the laundry. Throughout all of your narcissistic ramblings, you admitted to banking so you'd be pinned to my build. Kaw is not rocket science my dear and clearly your characterizations are rage driven.

    I do miss the BH pure spies with full sdp though. Some even replenished multiple times for us 
  5. I know you are all having as difficult of a time understanding the language of the crazy blazey. She is a unique creature. See photo below:

    Now for translation time;

    Blazey says:

    Is it only me or does anyone else here feel like belle lives in her own little world? Did u get sugar on the same pills? Do u have your own meaning of the word 'truth', belle?

    Translation: Oh Noes! The Bellsy has provided ss proof and irrefutable evidence again! Liessss!!! Liessssss!!!!

    Crazy Blazey speak:
    First sugar runs ahead of a train and claims that sicniss hit them first. Later belle admits that she decided to hit sicniss owner cos she saw sarcbat banner and apparently figured 'he hits owner of lr, I'll hit owner of sn' - can belle be anymore selfish, delusional and full of unreasonable pride?

    I really hate sugar and belle. Because I am going to contradict myself. You see, a sicniss member DID hit LR first.
    Can belle be anymore awesome, beautiful, and full of all of the qualities in which I lack in my self? <takes another swig of whiskey>

    Blazey speak:
    Later lr brings up 'breaking of oG/wdgaf cf', which never existed BTW. It was a 5 week cool down so drop ur 'omg u broke cf' already. To top it all off sugar throws a theory of BH needing help LOL to do what? Finally get some hits in return? I'd love that...I got 60-80 inc to my 7k on pin_master, the wall warrior lmao

    Translation: during the entirety of the "cool down period" and afterwards, black hand almost daily managed to break the rules of 1vs1. In fact, we recently found out that black hand member revenge of the killer is actually booty locked in sicniss. WOW! That's a big breech of cf! Oopsie, did the blazeys makes more boo boos?
    To top it off, Sugar has hurt my feelings because black hand has begged for help from
    all over kaw so that we don't turn into a dead clan again- you know, the way I preemptively went to war with res and forced bh to turn into an inactive dead clan? Yes. I managed to lead black hand into death TWICE. May I haz my fishies now?

    Oh god. It looks like she wrote a LOT. I'm going to have to pick out the least incomprehensible for you all.

    Blazey says:
    Theories. How many of those you based your not-so-smart actions on, bellemorte? iG bank aka blazey's bank ringsthe bell?

    Translation: I am still attempting to lie about this despite the fact that iG council now admits that vendetta (who is closely related to you but by no means is this giving personal information since you get so upset by being connected to him, probably because it makes your lies less believable) was covering for you and lying for you to get help against belle.

    Blazey speak:
    but. Instead of feeling all bad ass and thinking 'how dares sarcbat hit lr owner' u should be thinking if ur clan can take on another one and maybe proceed with ur 1v1 for once and settle with hitting sar lol After all, Sar was hitting u personally, not owner of whatever clan.

    Oh dear! Black hand is a dead clan with our inactive members in it. I want people to continue to believe that black hand is warring LR, when in fact, LR won that war long ago.
    I am jealous that sicniss is still alive and booming where I destroyed my clan.

    Blazey speak:
    Sugar. It really is funny to see u talk about personal insults being used as last resort. As Ole mentioned, u shouldn't be talking about it as long as u wear lr tags. I (and forums)found out ssssso many things about my personal life from morte, even i had no idea of lolol

    Translation: I am still very upset that my own clan mates and long time friends found out that I had been lying to them for years and decided that "being married" is personal information and cried many, many tears to ATA and begged them to remove all mention of my lies from forums.

    Blazey speak:

    Oh Hiiii kilo lol ikr. Is that why no1 hits me back cos I pay crap? Lol I love my new sts tho. Good gold and waaaaay bigger than me lr farms pay so well! Only thing I dislike is I can't keep burning u or whack sugar again with this acct but ur nubs are entertaining enough.

    Translation: oh muh gawd. Kilo spoke to me! An actual old bh member spoke to me! Yay!
    My buildings were destroyed by ATA because I used an exploit to gain an unfair advantage against Last Rights as I was unable to beat them on my own. I pretend that I like my tiny, insignificant build and forgot to mention that every time I collect allies, LR strips then from me. The Blazey is sad.


    Okay. Last one guys.

    Blazey speak:
    I never whacked u????! Lmao remember ur 'I'm doing laundry and can't self pin so enjoy' or 'nice fail strip' 1hr later..or my 'nob more attk BFA cos my win ratio is surprisingly high'? Now I know its not just belles pills - u are full of **** lol that's why I have so many ss lol

    Translation: I can't whack you /sadness. I am lonely. I make up things that were never said and pretend that they are true to make myself feel better. Please stop making the blazey feel mad by calling out her lies. Grrrrr. Gollum will come out and the blazey is scareded of the gollum. OH NOES!

  6. That was really helpful
  7. I think you meant to say belle, not blazey
    lol Have you read her latest blog above?...unfortunately, i didn't get a chance

  8. of course i bank gold on a hansel.What you smoking? HK or Mercy might want some of that :lol:
  9. Belle that was way to long
  10. Poor me. Make one little war thread and I am automatically called a lying snake in the grass. The general rule seems to be that if I am not singing someone's high praises and kissing their butt then I must be lying.

    Facts: I reported it as I heard it: it started with an 1v1 that got out of hand. I checked belle's and others walls and it certainly looked like a 1v1 had taken place, so I reported it.

    Now belle, you must recall that I did ask for your side of the story in a pm. YOur response was to make crude comments about my sexual preferences. If you want to withold your side of the story and present it yourself, I'm all in favor of that. But to then say I am lying because the thread is not pro-LR enough, well, that's a little petty.

    BTW, SiC is claiming you also left your clan to engage in the 1v1 before it went bad for you. Is this an accurate statement?
  11. PHIL'S MAD DAMN!!!
  12. Poor Phil fishing for accuracy?!

    All get real please. The longer the thread, the brighter the ego. Content does not matter.
    There won't be any content. Let this thread end please.
  13. @Blazey....I'm am sure you did read the post , it was all about take the attention negative or positive. TBH This thread isn't about you at all.Are you that HUNGRY for attention?Go eat a butt sore sammich and while your at it make one for Cynder too. P.S. your build is starting over nice. ;) keep chasing that white rabbit.
  14. pony leave the forum posting to FX or shibb they are much better at it than you
  15. Another example of an attention seeker...SC do what you do best lay low and hit EB's.
  16. lol pony at least i can say i FOUGHT with wdgaf. Being just in clan doesnt count pony  
  17. Lmao a five week vacation in war(Yes it was a honey moon congratulations ) But when you came back you dip set ... And then hit EB's outside of clan for two weeks until a CF is made that is fighting? :O This is a whole new concept for me Lol.*Noted*
  18. im not one for forum trash talking so lets end it there. but make sure you drop me a line when your osw is over pony lets see how you go 1v1

  19. yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't like my threads. I get it. Here's a bright idea. Don't open them. Problem solved.
  20. Thanks Phil. Always like to be informed. Keep up the good work.
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