Last Rights vs SiCnIsS OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. Both these clans are good warrers
  2. Alrighty. This looks like fun.

    Oh. Interesting. Because two days ago, one of sicniss council said that they gave sarcbat permission to leave sicniss in order to hit me. While another council stated that they had no idea why sarc had left or anything concerning him.

    . [Color = red] No. Sarc was never placed in ca. [/Color]
    . . This is interesting again because there was nothing on any wall suggesting that sarc was in ca. Here is what was on the wall:
    Here is the clear evidence that sarcbat was still sicniss at the time that he hit me, not resigned (as sicniss has come up with 3 days later) [​IMG]

    . Oh. This might be my favorite part. If you see in the above ss, I did exactly what sarcbat did: I left LR with tags in my banner and hit the owner of sicniss. I stole the owner and attacked a head admin/council. I am not afraid of 1v2, or if you count sarc, 1vs3.
    Sicniss- I did not hit numerous members. That is a blatant lie.
    Please take a look at what sarc did, with his sicness banner, hitting LR owner.
    I did not cry to my clan for help, like sho did. I chose to take the precise action that sarbat took and hit the owner of his clan (who did NOT retire from sicniss as he is back in sicniss now)
    not true, LR believes in 1vs1. However, there have been numerous issues with dicliss(specifically ISS continually breaking cf on LR and other WDGAF clans). See ss below of sicness plans to start a a war with LR: [​IMG]
    So, since it appeared by sarcbat's eb history and clan tags requesting a 1v1, that sicniss would have not been so hypocritical in their response to a separate one vs one challenge, unless of couss, they were looking for a reason.

    . No. Not at all. I posted those ss up for one resson. 1) With comments like that being strewn around constantly, it became increasingly difficult to maintain a cool demeanor in order to find a peaceful solution. There were much worse things said to arsh and I. By posting the ss I did up, I was able to show the difficulty of working a ceasefire of any kind when sicness leaders were treating LR leaders with such disrespect


    I don't feel that I was whining. I feel that I was acting like an adult seeking a solution despite my feminism which can not stand disgusting, sexist comments.
    When I found out that a council member had a sick parent, I empathized with him as I had gone through the same thing. I pm'ed him to let him know that I was very sorry what occurred and and would pray for him.
    It is true that arsh was not as sympathetic to the council member's plight. In her defense, said council member had cursed her and made numerous horrendous comments towards her in the past which led to LR and ISS breaking off alliance. Later, that council member, after losing his account to the exploit, apologized to me for his behavior and asked me to pass it on to arsh. She did not accept his apology as she felt it was only being given due to his recent loss of his account. This proved to be true throughout the negotiations, leading up to this: [​IMG]
    The problem is that we have numerous ss of sicniss being disgusting towards us. Accusing us of being cheaters (we are not) and calling us names. All be a use arsh was not empathetic enough to him, as she still felt animosity towards him when he used to go on rants like this all of the time about LR. I made the mistake of believing that he was truly apologetic but his comments show that he only said that so that WDGAF would not destroy them while they rebuilt.

    . Let me clarify, I do not know about apologies (plural), however, I told the council member with the sick family member that i was sorry for his situation. I also stated that I had faked in a 3ft concrete hole and hurt my knee and ankle. As such, I was taking pain medicine which I never take. This made me very groggy. I told backhand I was sorry I accidentally sent the ss of what happened to the wrong room instead of to him. I waited for a reply before leaving clan and going after sicniss owner, however, I had sent the pm to the wrong person. That was my bad and I cop to mi mistakes

    . I did NOT apologize for the way I handled the situation. I said I was sorry for initially sending the messages to the wrong pm. I do NOT feel that I was any more wrong than sicniss was for allowing a tagged member to hit the owner of LR.

    [color=red OH now. Are you trying to villainize me here?
    Lets repeat what you just said except replace BELLE for SARCBAT.;
    SARCBAT left clan, ignorantly hit me over ???? (we don't know why and sicniss is unwilling to share that information, however, there has been some digging that has been done. We'll see what that shows). What we DO know is that sarcbat IS a member of sicniss. He only left their clan long enough to hit me and then rejoined almost immediately.
    I did not talk myself out of ca, that was obviously part of the peace negotiations. Sicniss, however, was happy to give sarcbat up to all of WDGAF and other LR alliances and promised not to let him rejoin until sarc and I reached a resolution.

    Now, we dealt with the issue with myself and sarcbat, but feelings were still running hot from the council member who wasnt coddled enough and the numerous sexist, derogatory, discriminatory and accusations of cheating by sicniss.
    LR did not request an apology for the comments made. But Arsh requested a 1v1 with backhand, whom had had issues and talked about her like a dog for around a year now. Backhand rejected the 1v1. He claimed he was busy with his sick relative. I suggested perhaps a 1v1 after his troubles were over. Again denied.
    At this point, I felt emotions were just too high on dicness side, which was ironic as LR took the brunt of the emotional abuse.
    I made several pleas. Here is my final one: [img][/img]

    Okay. So... You are saying that the head council member who was negotiating with head council in CR had no idea what was going on yet was allowed to negotiate a large war for you?
    Not only that, but backhand (council member) stated several times that there has been no talk whatsoever of going to war with LR
    Which council member is lying here?
    Next, I showed you guys the numerous nasty comments cynder made towards me in pal. It has been going on for awhile. The last straw was accusing me and my friends of cheating (I believe I posted that ss on this thread). He deserved to be farmed for his words.
    At the time, he was owner of inter mass. Inter mass was NOT part of the og/WDGAF war. They were not included in the cf agreement. Hence, I saw no issue with farming a random clan owner who did not place that he was allied to ISS or sic noc (this was pre merge) until after he was being farmed. Sadly, I do not have a ss of this since I didn't consider inter mass to be a threat.
    Now, at the time that I was farming cyn, he ran to sic noc. Who swore that they were allies since the clan was made. My beautiful arsh provided their initial forum recruitment thread from January 22nd. It contained no mention of ISS or sic noc or ig as allies.

    Sadly, that forum thread was deleted a day or two later (odd?) and a new one was made. However, you can see the dates here on google:
    So, let's live in bizarro world where evidence is useless and known liars are trusted.

    After months of being degraded on forums by cynder (see this thread as a perfect example), sicniss would make the decision to go to war over a completely justified 1v1? Oh wait. Backhand said they never even discussed war. Oh wait! They are blaming it on cynder even though I had discontinued farming him then. Oh wait! Their head council knew enough to know that sicniss planned to go to war with LR. Knew enough to negotiate with CR. but somehow missed the memo that cynder wasnt being farmed any longer?

    Seems legit

    I had found out today that this was not the first time that sarcbat was hitting LR members (while in sicniss). He was hitting with blazey on blazey's target for no reason. I will give a further explanation later.
    I do, however, take offense to the suggestion that I was "granted" cf, as if I did something wrong

    Further, I continually requested that we cease fire until cooler heads prevail to keep from going to war. Drunkenmaster made the decision to go to war rather than let the members with hurt feeling calm down.
    If anyone is to blame it is drunkenmaster: [​IMG]


    1) mdk members were in LR at the time that sicniss chose an act of war over a cool down period.
    2) did you miss this?
    3) sicniss threatened mdk after hitting them.
    4.)you say: "SicnISS needs no help from their families and allies"

    However, Sicniss has taken in bh members, which breaks the 1v1. Sicniss has admitted the revenge of the killer who was in black hand throughout our 1v1 is actually the alt of booty tickled in sicniss. Another break of 1v1. Too bad black hand is dead.

    Now, LR has sicness, sicness retaliation, immortal death dealers, inglorious, the few bh who have regained new hope all in your clan, all hitting us. At start of war, you had 60-some members. Now you have 96.
    I'm sure I'm missing one or two of the clans that you "didnt" ask for help. I'll add them later.

    Color=red I assume you speak of the og war, bh war, and now this one. Well, 1) ig council now admits that the face account which wives black hand was, in fact, blazeY's abs because of her relationship with an ex ig council member, he lied for her but the lies came out. Therefore, I did not start that war, blazey and her puppet ven did. Second, there is the LR vs bh war. Bh broke cf and chose to go to war rather than kick their member because Hayden "felt rushed". Now bh is dead and Hayden has hopefully learned that patience is a virtue. As for this war, as perviously stated, after we worked out an amicable solution for all, there were still lots of anger and hurt feelings over comments said. I strongly urged, time and again, to continue with the ceasefire in place and discuss the hurt feelings later after we had all cooled down. Drunkenmaster chose, knowingly, an act of war rather than taking my suggestion. Therefore, this war is the fault of faulty dicniss leadership letting sarc hit owner of LR and refusing my suggestion to keep a cf in place. [/color]
    I'm not even going to respond to that last bit as 1) it is based solely on biased opinion 2) full of crap.

  3. Well belle let me responded to that lasts comment-

    Phil- this is a war game. Grow a pair of balls and enjoy a long term osw, clearly you like your wars short so that you don't start crying for being stripped. The two things i look for in a clan owner are
    1) the ability to lead
    2) the lust for blood that i share

    You know if your clan owner wants to fight players more often and rapidly than you do you're gunna enjoy the ride and fight hard. Clearly phil you think that owners that are so scared to press the attack button they cry under their pillow at night, is a good owner.
  4. Oh. I forgot warthogs and this charmer who says "please"
  5. Lol do half of kaw even know how to return a hit or two?
  6. @a hero - please don't place me as a sexual object. I am happily married to my husband and by four wives
  7. . Oh! Now it all makes perfect sense!
  8. Belle - that animated pic actually looks like you 

    Can I make a request to all sides please ?

    Move on n talk about the war as I'm someone who tends to read long forum posts n feel I know enough about how it started. What I'm now looking for is strips n smacktalk.

    If you don't all move on to this, I may have to even stop reading this thread - a serious threat I know but I feel it has come to this .

    Ta very much
    Snr 
  9. @sensual-had sarc retired from sicniss, then why was it still on his banner?

    And why is it okay for sarc to leave sicness and declare a 1v-, yet, when I do precisely as he did, the owner of sicniss flipped a lid a d need to place me in ca rather than 1v1 me?

    Also, I'll have to scroll back to blazey. I am likely rude to her because of my utter lack of respect for her as a pathological liar.

    Truth and loyalty mean the most to me and to my clan. Blazey lacks both and she is very loud and boisterous in telling her lies, so someone has to call her out.
  10. @roxey, my love. Sicnoc and ISS Are allied to bh, despite that it is dead.

    Much like those two dooofuses from weekend at Bernie's that pack around the dead guy ..... Yeah. That's sicniss with Bernie Hand in the middle.

    You are questioning what crazy blazey has to do with this? Well, she has sent her 5 active members to sicniss to fight from there so she still thinks she is in charge.

    But, um, having 2 alts and 3 friends doesn't make you a clan leader blazey.

    Oh. And roxey. Scroll back to my comparison. Blazey to gollum. 14 or 15 I'm guessing.
  11. I hatesssss it Bellesy, Gollum, hatessss it... Where's my precioussss my Black Hand ? Gollum... Last Rights takessss it, TAKESSS ITT.... Sssssooo I plannssses, revengessss... Sellsess my soul to get helpsesss gollum, gollum .... Sendsess SiCnesSESSSSS to hitsesss... gollum..... Hatesss it Rightsys Hatesss it Bellesy.... preciousssss gollum gollum
  12. Tis a war game.

    Enjoy the OSW y'all.
  13. Ima PM Blazey...

    This way she can mirror my dominant, sarcastic intellect, and then you'll all be screwed.
  14. Lmao willy

    Nah cos she would just be a watered down version

    And seeing as I'd walk all over you and back again.... 
  15. You'll walk on my back?!


    See, yesterday I was working and actually hurt my back. So if you can just walk up and down my back like one of those pro-massage ladies....that'd be greeeeeat. Thaaaanks.
  16. Get yourself a fat ass cat and you will never have back troubles again.
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