philo - tell whoever that sicniss dude is, i can prove some of his crap wrong...just wait for my long post in a few hours (still working on trying to get ss into forums)
Oooh I await the rebuttal from pin! Tbh though guys. It doesn't matter how it starts. Just how it ends
edit? no need to. theyre good enough how they are already. they just need an "insert photo" button on forums
I know all of you guys want to heard the truth you guys know me if you know me you know the truth it don't letter who you are how you drees how much money you make real life or a game respect is all be safe kaw remember real life goes first then kick ass in kaw
Lol belle answer your own question. Look at your own post on page 14 to see your own personal jab at Blaze
Its so funny that you don't even realize that the message Sarc posted on your wall was declaration of 1v1. I see a 1v1 that got out of hand. Sarc doesn't want clans involved. He resigned from sicniss to try to avoid that. He doesn't want war. He just wants to 1v1 Belle to the death. He wants to make her quit.
SicNoc and ISS merged some time ago to create SiCnIss. (Not sickness) Support SiCnIss. This sounds like a great OSW. Despite how it started, this is war! It's all about how it ends.
*Roxeys Crystal Tits Predict* That Belle won't sleep for 3 months. Sugah will go all psycho crazy Girl Scout For LR to be warring a clan formed of Sic Noc and ISS is a bit bizzare. I know a handful of their members are from/loyal to such clans. Oh and ofcourse the square jawed buck toothed Russian little smack rat blazey had to be involved in this thread somewhere. What's the point of an attention hoe if she ain't getting her attention?