Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllll, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Woah, buggy :/

    Oh my god, all of page 1's comments! :lol:
  2. Probably could use an EB tracker also.
  3. EB commander will receive a warm welcome to the clan and a spot on the clan page titled "eb monkey". This may sound derogatory but it is not. Also, when we jeer at you and your eb prowess, understand that they are jeers of love.

    Please help. I keep hitting the buttons but then things regen and I get confused 
  4. Holy hell we look like total pros here.
  5. EB tracker?
  6. Something to do with tides I think Badg
  7. Badger! A new thread is needed. LR is now searching for an eb tracker!
  8. Do people really engage EB trackers?
  9. Oh okay. Apparently we do now
  10. Yeah... I got the new EB tracker 5C it's like well cool and sick ... Like
  11. Yes Stan. That's the way to look young and groovy...
  12. Pssst... Will it play my vinyl ? 
  13. If you hold down shift, f4 and escape it will do anything.
  14. @ rusted_knight_of_serenity: Exactly!
  15. I'll see if I can get someone
  16. @southernsweetie, my other thread is not a double post, or is an eb commander the same as an eb tracker?
  17. I find the system reset button works best... On... Off... On ... Off