What's your source for putting ncu in the Blood Alliance ...? It's news to me and I'm a founding member of NCU.
Certainly applaud the effort on putting this together as I am sure it took you some time. You need to add the "Opt Out Family" with the lone clan as NA, otherwise known as No Action.
You better add yafi's skill list, such skills as can't beat a eb fairy no action clan such as NA. More yafi members opted out than NA
NCU under Blood Alliance was my mistake. I forgot to take it out when i edited the forums. I originally didn't have it in there. It has been fixed
The AoW Family is now a part of the Sparta Elite family, so all the AoW clans are inactive, not just Dragons (woo!) and Ignition.
Mr. Barley finally grew some balls to come out and talk eh? After blocking everyone at beginning of war off his wall, to obsessively xtaling and throwing a tantrum when anyone throws a fb on him lol. Yes barley no action but we all laugh at you when u start to xtal on us after just one full bar of spies. What u morons dont realize is that everything yafi trains you to say is a complete joke. You all have ur own mind why mimic everything yafi does? Bunch of followers, its no wonder why you all ran to yafi as soon as you all realized we were going to annihilate your clans. Keep up the no action gimmick lol and we will keep watching u xtal. Btw what happened to ur hidden allies spell? After months and months you finally got tired of spending the mith? Haha. Mr. Jokesters indeed! Runners will run! That you could never hide from!
King "Opt Out" speaks. Bottom line, when you had the chance for a true PvP not clouded with EB, you ran and hid proving to all you can't handle incoming. Very Legendary behavior indeed!! Continue to hide behind your precious EB's and I will continue to xtal and whack you when you come out of hiding. My apologies to op for polluting your thread. It was very well thought out. Nice job
I tried something like this a while back, it wasn't easy. But it seems like you've hit them all, great job.