Laoda is Responsible for Everything

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *UmbrellaorZaft (01), Dec 17, 2013.

  1. great thread op you really dont look butthurt much 
  2. I don't think anyone in ZAFT asks themselves why those clans are in the osw, as I don't think OG asks why clans are against them.
  3. At the beginning of the statless ops threads he pretended not to be biased now his ignorance is obvious
  4. This war will go down into kaw history as one of the greatest, and will surely make it into the "kaw timeline" thread, whoever started it, well I thank you!

    I won't pick a side to win cos both sides are huge families with seasoned warriors, and I have former clannies fighting in both. At the end of the day, being a war game, kaw wins. 
  5. One of the most boring osws more like it. Lack of incoming, mostly crap talk and strips.
  6. Agree only inc had in 2 days now was from ee war
  7. Dang straight! DOWN WITH THE ZAFTIES

  8. Ya I don't get inc 
  9. All that matters in the end is how much strip losses you had. If your clan is doing EBs and making money they're replenishing pots, adding to allies, and still stripping you guys.
  10. Only INC I've had was from my buddy givin me love taps,while I steal off zafts finest on our CAs.Sucks to be them:/
  11. Sicniss. "We want to leave this osw. Is that ok wdgaf?" "Sure. Ghead." 50 days later...."you hit a friends cousins sub clan! We are coming back to kick your ass!" let us know when you're gonna start mkay?
  12. Only reall fun time been when try put every clan on alliance on one of ours wish they get back to us again
  13. I miss when It was before everyone else joined the war and it was just me vs Reggie family.

    Man the inc was flowing. But now that the odds have changed I don't even get inc at all. its sad :(
  14. Just goes to show how much Escapes have changed osw
  15. You get pumped when the inc flows
  16. Kaw is a war game. It can be fun or boring. I left Kaw when gaw started. I returned 2 weeks later, big Zaft/UC osw. I left after 91 days for personal reasons. Both sides have been nice since I left. Only complaint is Zaft thinks their members shouldn't talk to me. This is a game. Friendship don't end over games. I was told during war not to talk to UC. Why? I have friends on both sides. One day this OSW will end. Respect will be given to those that was on either side that deserve it. 95% Kaw can't hit leaderboard, so small suffer. I was in EE with laoda and redstar when they could not hit or be hit. I liked kaw when 518 was max attack. We had 48 hr wars. Fun wars. Stay up or lose. Kaw was threaten by plunder wars. No easy way to grow. Game cost way too much. No idea what I've spent on my account. Why reset. Either side will let u leave. Both sides think they will end. It's important to keep your friends after it's over. 3 years ago no one cared about spies. Spies easy got caught and lost. Now spies rule EE. Fighting from pin is boring. People like osw because the most xtals wins. That limits most people. I spent over 1000 cash on xtals for 3 months war. Hard for kids to do that. Makes game unfair. People get tired of people that are new, and call them noobs. We all started out as noobs. No winner in this war. Screenshot the top players, see how much they lose. If you have all 75 lands, then you stil want win with leaderboard. Big allies are expense. Strips cost a lot. I play this game only because of my friends. If my friends quit, then so would I. I get tired of all the BS. Keep up your OSW, then don't complain if Kaw ends up dead like gaw. IG/Zaft war killed gaw. Good luck to both sides.
  17. No one cares whos responsible lmao. We get to war
  18. If you post with an alt you look weak, post with a main and your point is valid.

    Yes you have a main that may be way bigger than me but honestly from posting with an alt you must be getting your asses handed to you guys.
  19. Just scared