
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Lol. You must have a very dull life.
  2. @shifter so your the grammar Jew/communist/homosexual/whatever else the nazis hated to tonight!
  3. Don't forget gypsy and handicapped
  4. Doubtful, don't come on my thread trying to troll. it's a suggestion please stay on topic or leave. My dull life isnt the op.
  5. I'm not trolling. You're making your own thread off topic by correcting my grammar on a iphone app.
  6. Because you're attempting to troll my thread, so I simply corrected your grammar, then you proceded to know my real life activities.
  7. He wasn't trolling
  8. I'm not attempting to troll you at all. Don't be so paranoid little man.
  9. Shifter go get in the ovens. :twisted:
  10. Speaking of ovens, I made two pizzas today. They were pretty dog on good.
  11. @Moonlight
    Thats how much he said lands he had :|
  12. Funniest part of this whole thing is vegetable "correcting" wrongly
  13. @ Shifter

  14. Yeah, this would be useful. Great idea.
  15. @znathanx

    Did you train to be stupid, or we're you born this way?
  16. There would be a option when pressing on land that hasn't been unlocked which land you'd like to purchase
  17. Where's the logic in that?

    Why would one want to jump to the 50th land without purchasing the one next in chrono order? :/

    I understand why people choose to put off exploring land, opting to trade allies with the gold instead..
    Fail idea, imo.