Land milestone rewards

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IRN-BRU, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. Tier 1 land
    5 lands - 1 Heath Crystal
    10 lands - 2 Heath Crystal's
    15 lands - 3 Heath Crystal's
    20 lands - 50 aqua/50 inferno
    25 lands - 1 furniture key

    Tier 2 land
    5 lands - 1 Heath Crystal
    10 lands - 2 Heath Crystal's
    15 lands - 3 Heath Crystal's
    20 lands - 50 aqua/50 inferno
    25 lands - 1 furniture key

    Repeat till last land but, adjust higher the land unlock. perhaps a upgradable pet at the end, and For those that have unlocked that land already gets reimbursed automatically.
    Lady_Lilly likes this.
  2. Iike that idea.
    IRN-BRU likes this.