lag issues in war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_bardoor, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. One of my friends got a ko notification 5 mins later.
  2. worst lag i have ever had on this game tonight
  3. Support. There was one time in yesterday's war that asas soon as i came out of pin my troops vanished. It never did show who hit me in the news feed. That is unacceptable.
  4. Support. Im now warring ant it lags as hell.... Cant even play normaly
  5. Support !! Just love to go to do an action and next thing I know 30 seconds later I'm sitting on the home screen.Then the mad scramble to get back on the enemies roster hoping that I didn't get ko'd .
    Support fix the lag , Devs say its our devices ..hmm not so sure about that.
  6. Why are you complaining.. You win usually ALL your Estocs...
    Good war though.

    So how's it going old EE war clan, let me in? 
  7. The lag was horrible BTW.
  8. Sort it out Devs, if it'snot fair its not worth it
  9. Support.. Such bad lag where it would say I still have time under ko so I can't attack then my news feed informs me of being koed again.. 2 nd war this has happened to me