Kreuzritter vs Rising Hawks

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nestex, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Subtle if you are so concerned about the quality and content of a thread then you should be adding information that is useful and on topic; not trolling and playing pretend forum mod. If you would like to become a forum mod there is an application for that. I bet Vix could point you that way if you ask nicely ;)
  2. R0l4nd,

    That may be, but there is a reason why those two phrases exist and are so widely know.

    If you have an issue about it, then try to resolve it. Words help some, but action works better. Tell me, what is your plan to fix an issue that had absolutely nothing to do with you?
  3. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
    I'd rather be concerned about overall forum quality than pretend to be high and mighty and above everyone else's status and intelligence because you know grammar and words, welcome to the fifth grade.

    I come here to express my opinion and logic and you come here to insult others intelligence and act above everyone. Everyone uses the forums for their own thing. I'll do my thing and you can pretend to be a mod or to tell others they're not, or whatever it is you think you're doing. I'll just finally put my phone down and stop bumping a thread that died a month ago
  4. If you think my issue to fix is to just make RH and Kreuz fight each other then you weren't paying attention and have no right to address it.

    Once again as I've already stated any thread that promotes awareness on a flawed EE system is useful as far as I'm concerned. You can re-read the rest over the last few pages if you really care ️
  5. I like a few at Kreuz, there are some good guys there. But yes they have found the need, as has nearly every other clan taking part in ee wars, to manipulate their rosters to sh/lb. We've found the need, but won't do so purely out of principle and the fact that it'd ruin our hard earned builds. But the fact that kreuz and RH don't hit each other is, as Roland says, purely so as not to lose their winning streak. If neither of these teams lose to each other, then neither team loses rancor and neither team loses estocs edge. It's another manipulation of the system.
  6. I have read the last few pages and fail to see the reason why to care.

    May just be me not really giving a damn about EE though I see no foul play.

    Why should clans ee against a clan that they do not wish to ee? I like the idea of refusing a match. Though that is me.
  7. Subtle your opinion and logic consisted of:


    Way to contribute :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. RH and Kreuzritter manipulation in roster is just them taking advantage of war technique. Bronze doesn't win wars, whit does. Just because they put forward the effort of setting up their rosters to get favorable match ups does not make them bad, it proves their smarts.

    I understand the mindset of wanting to ee so to have a close, fun, good war, though some to play to win. There will always be those who find techniques and strategies to win. That human aspect makes it hard for the devs to fix.

    Do I agree with there techniques, Hell no. I play for a good fight, but I do applaud them for using their head to win.
  9. I'll agree 100% to that Rusted. I don't have any issues with the players but rather the system
  10. I have a problem with it. Devs try their hardest to create a good war system and what do the players do? Exploit it. People complaining to get sw payments back, soon itll be mith rewards from ee.
  11. Lower the hit ratio. Make it where those who manipulate rosters can't hit.

    Again, the level of no matches in Season 3 is proof the the devs are working on issues.

    Just saying.
  12. I don't think many disagree that devs are trying to fix the issues. But yes the hit ratio needs to either be lowered and/or something needs to be done about the roster match ups. When we get a match up it's usually against a clan with 3 LB and the rest SH, whereas we will usually have a balanced roster with 1 or even no LB. That means that we all get bullied by the 3 LB that we can't plunder from, and takes about 10 full bars of fail to ko! All whilst the SH plunder on our mids. Not a problem except their plunder on our mids is around 100m a hit but, our mids plunder on them is around 5-10m a hit! How is that even fair?
  13. Srsly u guys hate EE so much stop doing it. Stop whining. Stop trying to exploit the system and then complain about how unfair it is while you exploit it. No duh. It's the system attempting to correct itself. Just sthu and participate in real pvp. Don't like EE and want something different? Stop relying on the Devs to do something and make your own way. Jesus I've never seen a group of such hypocrites here since the pwar days
  14. I wonder is there anything in life these people dont complaint
  15. It's clans like RH and kruez that have taken advantage of the Devs mistake that failed to address the Guild Hansel problem from Season 1. The GH have turned into SH.... making thwith hit ratio much higher. The more BFA they have the higher they can hit. There is No strategy is Estoc Wars anymore.... Simply have LB / Big Atk and SH equals a stacked roster.. Mids can longer war because of this huge exploit... Devs have sat and watched through 3 seasons now and have done nothing except collect money from xtal buyers.. To fix this issue of sos builds... Make The sos build either gain 70 to 80% less plunder on atks and stls or make the sos build pay 80 to 90% better on an incoming atk or stl... to long have the devs have done nothing.. I know the debate won't do anything so I quit warring.
  16. I could have written a better thread using my ***** outside on a rainy day.