Kreuzritter vs Rising Hawks

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nestex, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Friends make love, no war.
  2. Thats rubbish - i have friends in most clans ... You both proud of your streaks , both manipulate rosters as far as you can - its other clans copying that have caused the issues we have in EE today ... Lets face it you know under a normal roster you guys would get slaughtered ... But hey hope its worth it all those equips that mith hoard - make the most of it because when EE ceases to exist ... The root of the blame will be at those who chose to exploit ;)
  3. Its funny how they did match but didn't fight
  4. Just read reshot vixen explains it all
  5. They're both *****. Throwing matches haunts each other. No respect. Bring it. I give no fucks
  6. *against... Not haunts
  7. Vixen i completely agree. Theyll also complain when strongholds of shadow get nerfed wont they? Cuz its destined isnt it ;)
  8. Guys don't worry in the finals of S3 we will see them match up
  9. There is no strategy for clans like rising Hawks... the stacked roster is all you need against any regular clan.. strategy has been taken out of the estoc wars... happy kawing all..sorry these ewars hAve turned into garbage
  10. Funny how a forum mod contributes to a necrobump but doesn't lock it 
  11. Why lock? its a good topic of discussion. R.H. and Kru shouldnt throw matches when they match.
  12. It's still a relevant thread with valuable content. So why don't you stop telling a mod how to do their job and go hit the eb some more
  13. Unfortunately I can only hit my eb so much before I'm out of troops 

    And why lock? Maybe because the op lacks adequate content and information, maybe because it died with barely one page the same day it was made, maybe because five pages are a month after that fact, and only because a forum mod added real content and value on the subject, and maybe because exploited roster setups aren't impressive or skillful.
  14. Again your not a forum mod and it's not your job to police threads.

    The op doesn't need to have valuable content for the discussion to be valuable.

    I consider any post that reminds people and the developers of what a sham these EE wars have become are valuable. And the content of this thread is now doing that
  15. These are elite EE clans that run their clan how they see fit. It is on the leaders of those clans to make the decisions that they fell is best. Not on the outsiders.

    I believe this should be listed as a non-issue and should be dropped.

    Have an issue with them, find a way to deal with it, if not, let them be.
  16. I don't think anyone is trying to make decisions for them Rusted 

    I love Kreuz, there's some kick ass people in there. They weren't always an SH exploit clan. But they adapted to the current necessities to win EE. Can't blame them for that.

    What I see with people's posts here is a frustration in the system. And what better way to deal with that then in forums? How else would you suggest? This EE system isn't about strategy or fun. It's about who can make the best roster and who can collect the most mith.

    You don't agree to a no hits match if your warring for fun ️
  17. If they don't want to war, who should say they have too.

    Yeah, it would be fun to see who would win, but that is not on us, it is on them.
  18. I don't have to be a forum mod to recognize or point out the reasons for a thread to be locked, but apparently vixen didn't see the need to do so, instead bringing it back to life.

    Sure an op may not need to be extravagant for a valuable thread but this one could've easily been locked for necrobump and lack of effort and content as easily as it was added to instead. If the subject wanted to be furthered, which wasn't truly contributed to until after the necrobump, a new and detailed thread could've been made.

    If you want to express to the devs what a failure EE is, they made a consolidated thread for that themselves to reduce AT clogging of similar discussion.

    I am merely voicing my opinion, as this is the forums, not policing and bending my will upon others.
  19. Rusted that post was of about the same intellectual quality as:

    I know you are but what am I


    Sticks and stones may break my bones

    Yes we know it's their choice to war and the outcome is up to them but that doesn't change our perception on it.