Kreuzritter / K r e u z r i t t e r / Black Hand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Resilient_Lyanna, Jun 16, 2012.

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  1. People, just going to write once in this forum and no more after it!
    IT IS À GAME! YOU SHOULD PLAY IT CUZ YOU LIKE IT AND YOU THINK IT IS FUN! DONT GET UPSET JUSH CUZ WE ARE AT WAR AGAINST BH/KREUZ OR WHAT EVER! No need to be upset/angry or even Sad, This is à war Game and we all like it like this who is in THIS war, i ONLY got One thing to add, kings family, leave this war.. DODO is ONLY full of crap! He Will leave you Sooner or later in the trash as he allways Does.. And blazey, we are enemys but a enemy Can still respect an enemy, and i respect all Kreuz and all My enemys atm..
    Thanks and have à good day// juice
  2. Ty wampo for your intelligent comic book post you certainly like the pictures  when your finished with this war come look me up put the mouth in action come war me  In your own time btw 
  3. GOO!!!once again making a run for drunken forum post leader board.  SUPPORT for the Goober 
  4. [​IMG]
    Lol Magoo u know where I am i haven't gone anywhere and i won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

    I noticed you left BH just before that ship sank and now you've left Kreuz i see another pattern emerging 
    You talk the talk in your drunken speeches but you certainly don't walk the walk you've done sweet F A in this war.

    And I'm glad your enjoying my pics cause we all know your tool (and a useless one at that) this Should cheer u up tho enjoy

  5. Keep up the good work Res  loving the posts Wampo -RCA- alliance
  6. Jw ask kings-lounge entered the war hows that going 3v2 ATM plus allies must say this will be a tough fight for all much respect and good wishes all I'n this war earn respect from all (not a kings member)
  7. I must say, this is more interesting than my war.
  8. My god, just checked Black Hand clan, there's no one there. They're all in Kreuz.
    I have noticed a lot of Black Hand in different clans without BH tag, did they leave during this osw or before?
  9. LoL..
    Why complains about 8v2 or been outnumbers in this war?
    I can remember afew wars where by BH calling in allies and forcing the other clans to ask for CF or even disband clan..

    GoodJob -RCA- family and your allies.
  10. Giggity giggity alright
  11. Out of 5/6 bh res war res got the upper hand? Lol it only took core members to retire and go inactive in the game lol
  12. Wampo you know you love me 
    I seem to be all you can talk about
    Yes I fled the war  the 5 hits in one month from you guys got to me so much and I crumbled  maybe one day I can be as tough a warrior as you
  13. Lol smilerz, you shouldn't be talking about runners, your clan is broken and broke..took only 3 days of somewhat attention to yallsoon you'll be the only one talking there - cos you turned pure spy after 12hrs of harassmenttoo easywhere is unstripable Globhal now? Or d-2 or Jackhawke, or devin99, or Sarah, Freddi, princess (I'll get on her later to piss more of you off lol), or...about 40 ex members more Even I've got enough banked from your last 'strip' on me to get the rest of IS nakked
  14. Lol Magoo your witty comebacks are just the best honestly
    And I see Blazing Saddles is back off her vacation get ready Kaw for her usual dose of verbal diarrhoea 
  15. Lmaoooo says the running chicken blazey....ur too funnyur mouth match ur running legsrun forest run...ur not affiliated with BH/kreuz lolol now where do we put you? Amongst the War heroes
  16. Wuahahahaha ish, I wonder how do you differentiate a runner if you put me in that category? I'm not in kreuz (tho I do own BH, members of which just moved to a different clan to farm you - ya, yall are too soon to declare defeat over us, do you mean i can just as well say dbd and LOTR are killed by us? But that's another discussion I don't want to get into, we'll just farm lol). Jackhawke is a runner - I hit him but no reaction, probably trying to wait it out lol Devin99 is totally unaware of what osw is and that's why he's crying on our wallsand there is many more..but no matter where I am, I still strip you, pin and farm you - that's not how people run from war, dear ishask juice, I bet he likes my attentionand you, keep dropping your allies before you go to bed, with your assets that loss is good enough and tells a lot about your true 'fighter' spirit

    Wamp I've been back for a while now, messing with your useless and helpless friends that seemed to be nothing but big mouths, just like you, i just don't feel like wasting my time in forums
  17. Hahaha yeah ur probably right in that... both sides have runners atm tho some are still in it...dont know if I should include u blazey cuz ur jumping like a frog from clan to clan(probably repotting or avoiding attention)...although..respect to those that still fighting on both sides..clan jumper or not keep it going
  18. To the record...I'm not dropping allies....I got stripped twice remember...btw nice effort.... caught them both lmaooo cheers
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