Kreuzritter / K r e u z r i t t e r / Black Hand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Resilient_Lyanna, Jun 16, 2012.

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  1. A little thing called loyalty goes a long way op.
  2. Blazey- propaganda fail? I'm simply pointing out that you are calling out unfair odds. Perhaps you need to revisit thread BH vs Res osw thread posted on May 28 in war section-page 3- 2nd post down...which you initially pointed out unfair odds. Don't claim someone's spewing propaganda , when they are merely pointing out statements you've previously made. Doesn't take away from facts. I'm just surprised you are- the old black hand wouldn't have cared. Shouldn't you be packing anyhow? 
  3. I have to laugh... Black Hand went and got themselves something to lose, and now they're losing it because they went and picked a fight they can't win.

    The mystery to me is why is Kreuz involved? I think most on Res side had nothing but respect for Kreuzritter... But once it became obvious that BH alts of Kreuz mains, and that BH was agent provacateur for Kreuzritter- do we have any choice but to fight? Not really...

    So we're left pricking the thought bubble that BH and Kreuz were ever actually separate. I'm not naive enough to think that we're ever going to get a good shot at Deutschland or Kuzmich- if their size wasn't an issue, certainly they are on high alert now...

    But the rest of that clan? Welcome to the nudist colony... Or you can do as your peers have done and just convert your allies to O-pots... As you wish. Either way it reduces the threat to us.
  4. Hi Blazey hope your enjoying your vacation, I see u posted about our weekend war which went very well FYI we didn't do to bad well done Hotel 81 for fighting until the end and not giving upRespect from Res.

    And seeing how u keep posting 8 vs 2 You should be happy Res gave u guys a 24hr break
    However I would like to point out to the rest of kaw how ineffective the mighty BH have/had become in this war down to 28 members before u walled the remaining members to join
    K r u e z r i t t e r which is very strange???

    I would like to congratulate all -RCA- Family clans and alliances for doing a tremendous job 
    This war is still ongoing with Kreuz but Black Hand is officially a ghost clan this once great OSW has been deserted and when u consider there past conquests including one over Res,
    You will understand why this is a great achievement for us,

    So no need for anymore of your Bull ****/ Propaganda this ss says it alloffering yourself as a sacrifice very Nobel of u but no deal 

    Note to Dodo hope u like how there's no mention of you or your EB noobs in there cf proposal 
    As stated before u and yours will be shown no Mercey and given no quarter 

    We are Resilient 

  5. I never do forum post this is my first. This war started with aox and bh . Anyway blazey is a great liar . She first approach me saying there was hit coming from aox and we both agree to time to settle and check it out . But who knows she secretly strip one of the osf with allies and farm .. The worst story from her was kreu was never involve right at start which is crap from her xo_ox has all along been her alt . Even before res steps in x0_0x has been stripping aox while in kreu . Well all who have eyes can see and to kreu and bh this war will not end even if we have to spend 1 year or more and fight . We still fight . Thanks for the war
  6. Ok this thread shortened so you don't have to bother with first few pages
    Lyanna posted forum about res bh kru. War obviously didn't have all the information which blaze pointed out then blah blah blah I kill you blah blah I hate you blah blah this war will go on for another year blah blah you lie blah blah
    My point (yes I'm drinking) ( it fathers day I'm allowed ) (yesterday was sat night  well you gotta drink sat night) oops getting sidetracked
    My point is GAME and game = fun STOP all the you started it it your fault I'm telling my mum STOP all the bickering who and why IT'S A WAR GAME LETS WAR (obviously if someone posts and not full picture other side should fill in the blanks as blazey did I thought) but c'mon guys it's a game have some fun
    Ok so I didn't shorten thread prob made it longer lol oh well bite me  must reread my note to self on wall 
  7.  Lmao at least We could understand Blazey's bull **** what drab is this hahaha lady's and gentlemen this is what to Expect from Kreuz/BH random drunken dribble not really the best response to my last post but hey Magoo I promise you were having fun if we weren't we probably would of taken Blazey's cf lol but my comments seem to be attracting u onto the forums (interesting) are u speaking on Behalf of Kreuz or as merc/loner who misses having his head up Ajax's ass 
    We know how u guys are feeling

    Image removed due to sexual content/references.
  8. LMAO!!!!!!
  9. Long live Ajax. Was and still is kaws greatest warrior.
  10. -Alison- change yr name and left bh even yr banner change bh name remove off ... Why cos you are farming yr alliance clan zaft and don't want get bh into trouble decide go clanless what a joke
  11. Res noobie. You're the only joke. What do you care who I fight with or do with my KaW time?
  12. changing name and going clanless as usual always try to play with fire and act heroine
  13. LOL Alison fighting zaft now ha ha, Im sure zaft running scared over her intense power.

    Blazey, still waiting on that SS of all those pots you banked? You have cashed in nobs at least a dozen times in the last 3 weeks, trying to make it look like you lose nothing. So waiting.........
  14. Blazey latest attempt to scare off Resilience. She threaten that clan Shadow is going to start funding her strips. She is trying to imply she has the power to have CR/kotfe/TS family join in the fight when she asks. She offers this to me as proof:
    Resilience has great respect for the entire CR family of clans, they are great warriors. Their assistance would very much be detrimental to our situation.
    But maybe blazey full of it. I dunno
  15. Lol wampo glad your having fun yes was a little drunk then, I speak for myself, its my kingdom, my rules, my game to play as I see fit and have fun
    Full respect to bh and kreuzitter.
    wampo keep up your hate abuse posts please they make me laugh not that they are funny but knowing its a last cry for help 
  16. Prince you might want to copy the IMG code instead its better.
  17. Lol Magoo so u perceive Blazey approaching Res for a cf as a Res cry for help  lmao

    Hmmmm Your replies are almost neanderthal like with absolutley no thought put into them and they also make absolutely no sense!!!!!
    You may well be a great warrior? but your certainly not the brightest crayon
    I dont what your reading but please show or inform me we're I'm hating on Kreutz honestly??? I said Black Hand is only a ghost clan now which if you go have a look you'll see it for yourself, I also posted a ss of Blazey approaching Res for CF which Res rejected

    This is a game that I enjoy playing especially during war I'm not the hating type
    But u keep laughing Magoo because if my making sense entertains you then I guess we're both happy 
    I look forward to your next nonsense reply with no ss but u just saying big up to Kreuz and BH anyone else seeing a trend emerging 
  18. Clarification of the above SS of a pm to Blazey.

    The above pm was sent when I was not a part of CR, I was still in my old clan at the time and in no way affiliated with CR, KotFE, TS, WoG or any of our allies. The fact that the above screen shot was recently shown rather than when it was originally sent to Blazey (24th of May) suggests she only decided to pass it on when she saw the clan I was currently in was a war clan, rather than originally when I was in my old clan which was with all due respect an eb clan without funds. That Blazey decided to use CR et al.'s name to threaten other clans is nothing short of disappointing to me personally, totally false, utterly misleading and hopefully a one off.

    Whether this was intentional or a misunderstanding is not of my concern, and im not going to smear Blazey or BH's name by insisting her intentions were bad, my only aim is to clarify my position and that of the CR family.

    I wish both Resilience and BH good luck and and an enjoyable war.

    I did not actually buy any allies in the end as I found them to be overpriced. I am in no way, nor have I ever been, affiliated with Black Hand.
  19. People need to remember that this is just a game.
  20. It's a game where Blazey has imaginary friends... Maybe she starts a new clan? She could name it Snuffaluffagus ...
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