KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. @ you - she's dtw to steals and atk
  2. No pics on forum. I was banned for posting just one of them already
  3. Cheese, you just insulted his grammar and spelling while you spelled "you're" as "your're"...
  4. LOL look at my wall top post
  5. Summer time  and the livin' is easy  fish are jumpin  and the cotton is high
  6. There's a difference between a typo an poor grammar and spelling.
  7. And your daddy's rich, and your ma's good lookin'.
  9. Thanks weezal. You the real KaW warrior. I will single you out in time. You can be sure. Then we will see.
  10. Oh look, I made a typo. :|
  11. See, your typo is excusable. His is not. When you are trying to be a grammar nazi, at least uphold the same standards that you expect your peer to uphold.
  12. lol!

    Better kingdoms have tried queen noob.

    Good luck :)
  13. But I am a grammar nazi. At least I am a semi-grammar nazi. :|
  14. I made ONE typo. His grammar is BROKEN - HUGE difference there.
  15. Thanks - fixed. Still changes nothing.
  16.  engineers=engineer, yrs=years, dtw=defender too weak=cheese...
  17. Bro, it's too late. You have a notoriously bad record of poor grammar and spelling. You type like an adolescent.
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