KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. One account or multiples. Don't make a difference to me. Still don't see anything in my news at all tho  I will come back and check again maybe there is lag. I'm leaving this thread (although entertaining at times) maybe I will see some people in my news lmao. Later suckers
  2. Basically, I said that Alison wasn't the forum queen and I referenced Boxxy as a prime example of why forum queens are bad.
  3. >_< thanks NiiN. I'm going senile due to my lack of sleep.
  4. I did but my good friend talked me out of it.
  5. Keep the threads coming cheese! The publicity is fantastic!
  6. Excellent question - let's do a little number crunching.

    Take a look at my last strip on xXx_LaDY_OF_ThE_MaCHiNES_xXx. I hired 120b of her allies while she was off in dreamland. Now, had there not been a server crash, let's do the math on how that would have turned out:

    16 steals per unload (conservative estimate) x 24 bars = 384 steals
    So, the result is the series from 0 to 384 of 120b - 120b * 0.001x ~ 38,279,930,968 gold.

    Now, that's assuming I'm not running UA. Since I run UA during strips, you muliply the losses by 1.5 to get 57,419,896,452.

    Also, you figure I'm attacking her while I do the strip, but not pinning, of course. Each attack takes ~ 1% per hit. Let's say I hit her about 50 times during the strip. That puts her total loss at right about half of what I hired.

    If you wanna call that a small loss or "chump change," I don't have a counterargument for that.

    You may be correct - I may just be another name in a long list of names who have come before me - only time will tell.
  7. Tex. I'm no forum queen . Read my banner
  8. Oh I saw... Ss's
  9. Apparently one cannot have a different opinion from any member of KotFE without taking hits for expressing it.

    This reminds me of a thread, last night I think, where KotFE said its ok to voice your opinion about them, even if it is in opposition to them as long as one is not disrespectful in doing so.

    Guess that was not true, because I do not remember disrespecting any member of KotFE. Oh well.
  10. Maybe it was ISS...I don't know. Either way I must have somehow hit a nerve?
  11. Agreed dragon. Pretty much shooting at anything that moves
  12. Cheese: drop the math (or ur build)...ur probably an engineering drop out ....

    Alison, fish, cheese....I smell a bad joke coming .
  13. Drgnblade, you are correct. I saw a KotFE clan member the other day say it was okay to say you dislike KotFE as long as you don't say anything too disrespectful about them. And now anyone who says they support OP and think KotFE isn't as great as they think they are gets farmed.
  14. I haven't been touched by KotFE o_o
  15. Okay. Then not 'anyone'.. And maybe it's not the entire clan doing it. But as the ss about showed, there ARE a few butthurt KotFE members that are farming posters that dislike them.
  16. @Lilenina thank you, I thought it was KotFE but after I posted I wasn't sure..
  17. @ Alison and Cheese
    lol my losses in question? I spent a year in ZAFT corp and the remainder of my time in TS.

    I've been in OSW 75% of my time in KaW, just because your loud mouths got you both farmed for what looks like weeks on end doesn't mean we should all be at 20k losses.

    Maybe you should consider takin some of my advice: I'm clearly good at being on the winning side of a fight :lol:

  18. I know - using your brain hurts. If you tried it more often, it might not hurt as much. :lol:
  19. You're like that guy who belongs to every gang in the neighborhood. And whenever one starts to lose, you jump over to the winning side.
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