KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. I guess Kat doesn't want to be my friend

  2. I don't blame you. If I was as big of a coward as you, I would definitely do the same.

    Now please leave my thread. :ugeek:
  3. I'm curious as to why cheese is above the rules of conduct? They specially state you are not allowed bear any false, disguised or misleading origin...yet he's still here. Combined with the fact that this thread has veered off track more times than I can count. Why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?
  4. So TG posts a bunch of off topic yet you don't ask him to leave? I'm just sifting through your ******** Cheese. See, when a man can fight no more, whether his intelligence has been exposed or his will has diminished, he will resort into a shell. He turns childish in his ways and grabs onto anything that may keep him relevant, or afloat.

    In this instance, you're kicking people off your thread that are asking questions. If you don't care what people think or what gets done, why is this thread not locked? It obviously means nothing to you.

    Hmm just like you throwing RoA to the wolves. I suppose if they can't play like you, then they aren't worth living.
  5. IGCB wernt u in kofte what happened
  6. Drgn, we must be friends first to chat! You sound like a lovely guy do wall me sometime!

    I believe I am posting with my "main" account! Thank you. Now as I'm not making any arguments "yet" I don't see why I would have to be taken seriously.

    Keep ignoring it cheesy! Everyone that's reading this is going wow, he really doesn't wanna answer lol! It's such a simple rebuttal really, let's see if you can find it in you to post it!

    Again, I am on topic, trying to illicit a response out of you about a post that is very on topic with the OP! I am not spamming, or anything of the sort, so please stop asking me to leave 

    I have been nothing but a delight so far 

    It's the second post, on the 125th page of this thread. It was posted by IGCB (igropecarebears(does he really?? No one will ever know, funny guy! )) at :27 ().m!

    Coward? Haha you're so funny cheesy, I hear you won't hit anyone anyways, unless your cute little soldiers are at "full regen" or you are "stripping someone" (girls I hope). Why in the world would I be afraid of you? Maybe of the honorable clan that decided to take you in, I hear they actually try hitting the KOTFE! Maybe I would be afraid of them. But of you? Nah, you're never full nowadays I hear! So you wouldn't hit me Hehe. If you won't hit me, you're not meaning to cyber bully me to make me afraid, i hope. 
  7. @me pwn you
    IGCB is welcome anytime - he wanted to go visiting other friends
  8. Cheese is not above the rules of conduct. Please do not spread misinformation as it is against the rules and is a bannable/silencable offense. Also, please do not post off topic comments.
  9. @Pwn

    I will not resort to bringing them in here, just using what I know. I've bitten my tongue when I was in KotFE but I can't seem to let him parade with his head held high because KotFE wants to keep it on the battle field.

    Well I'm a big mouth and enjoy confrontation. And I'm calling Cheeze Wheeze out.
  10. Katrina, you have been talking about something other than the OP multiple time, which is spam.
  11. KotFE is a clan that rather smash on the field and ignore forums. Which most war clans do. And I respect my buds in KotFE 
  12. I must say I might not agree with all of KotFE's members, or how they might approach things sometimes, but I do like DuNA. He does not post very often from what I've seen, but when he does it is oftentimes a very well written thought out post. I guess this last one isn't a very good example, but still..

    I'm assuming you're a he. My bad if I am mistaken.
  13. @Jesus

    No my posts are about the topicS. Therefore her wanting answers is on topic.
  14. I believe I am on topic. I have repeatedly asked him to address a post which he has ignored (for his convenience) that pertains to the OP. which makes me on-topic. Please ask a mod to get in this thread and judge me! Thanks!
  15. Cheese, you do appear to be running out of steam 
  16. Saying your on topic isn't on topic  dumbass and cheese gl
  18. This is a new level of desparation for kotfe. Calling in outsiders and making alts to try to derail my thread.

    They really are quite pathetic.
  19. Oh,my,goodness! Here is fellow lili who has been an avid supporter of the cheese for quite a while! Keen observation fellow cheese supporter! Interesting, I will put that in my notes.

    "cheese running out of steam? Let's observe."

    The post is on page 125! I would love it if you would answer it! Thanks, cheese.

    "love, an avid supporter of keen rebuttals"
  20. 
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