KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. 3 short buses

    atleast we can afford buses
  2. I thought it was spelled writers...
  3. IGCB: "Blah blah **** blah *** blah blah ***** blah blah blah **** blah ******." ._.
  4. I'm not Nervere. 
  5. I know IGCB uses a lot of colorful language but his main point is still clear ._.
  6. Aah, sry ur name r similar
  7. Names* I hate this keyboard
  8. 肉身


  9. No problem, Angel :D
  10. It's wonderful that you think I give two craps if people care or not. Whether alone or with support, I'll continue pointing out the insecurities of kotfe and how amusing they are for all their rage over a video game.

    I'm having fun here.

    I suggest you crack open a beer or roll up a fattie and have some fun, too.
  11. Wow are you guys 10? What was an interesting and amusing thread turned into mindless dribble and useless banter. You think anyone cares anymore? I don't and I doubt anybody does. You proved that bumping, name calling and other adolescent actions can keep a thread alive on a free war game.

    Tell me this, how in anyway does this show KotFE as a clan of bullies? How are they scared of you? How can anybody take any of you three stooges seriously?

    P.S. This is my main and yes I'm posting your verbal diarrhea thread with it.


    Uncle Slorgg
  12. I think you forgot "on" in your P.S., Aunt Slorgg. :|
  13. Question, who r the stooges? Out of all us on this thread
  14. Nou u did that on purpose :lol:
  15. You made 2 threads on the same subject, I think you do care. Cry less please, I didn't buy enough tissue boxes.
  16. By showing that anyone who posts their support for me is targeted as well.

    I never said that, so I'm not sure who you're referrring to here.
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