KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. At this point, it's not even about her.

    I'm sticking up for my right to voice my opinion in any way I please without fear of reprisal.

    Please read the OP for an explanation as to why I am fighting.

    They so desparately want me to apologize so they can show their dominance, but they'll get an apology on an icy day in hell.

    I don't care about growth.

    I don't care what they do or say - I'm not gonna apologize when I've done nothing wrong.
  2. Cheese I've known you for awhile, and I don't under estimate you. But, this back and forth of "They hurt my feelings!" "I'll defeat them!" thing is childish.

    People may offer strip funds, but when they do it, their clan will become targets. The same "KotFE is having their alliances do the work" is the same route you're going down. You're letting others take the hit, and you're gonna let others strip.
  3. Stop comparing this to bullying, holy ****. 1v1 was broken, then clans got involved. Take out the PMs to Alison and what do you have? Still bullying? Calm the **** down.
  4. Calm but can see ur stress level and the number of stars you feel you need to use. If this is not bullying by any definition I have no idea what is
  5. The only ones griping about hurt feelings are the members of kotfe who were upset about my comment on Alison's thread.

    Show me a post that shows my feelings are hurt.

    Show me where I said that I would "defeat them."

    Who's the childish one making up facts now?

    This isn't about a 1v1 being broken. This is about kotfe calling in every last favor they can to try to muzzle me for expressing my opinion on Alison's thread - hence the title of this thread: "kotfe the crybabies."
  6. It really is very difficult to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person
  7. That's correct! :mrgreen:
  8. @Tabernack

    You should be silenced for having a profile name that is blasphemy in Québécois, right? Y'a beaucoup'd petittes acace-p***ettes with screen names that are overtly vulgar but yet the mods silence people on a subjective basis when a whiner complains. I admit, I defend gays in forum, I laugh at bronze age superstition (aka religion) in forum, and I told a fellow marine on my wall that I think he was a p.o.s. for hazing new recruits, a practice that has been proven to be detrimental to the performance of any organization, expeditionary combat or otherwise. But it's ok for someone to have a name like "slu*** little wh***" without being silenced. What I've been silenced for is not vulgarity, it's for voicing my views. There is a lot of commonplace vulgarity on KaW that is considered perfectly acceptable. The mods are just defending Brown Shirts is all, whether bigots, bullies, or gay-bashers. They don't care that your screen name would be very offensive to my mémère.
  9. wooooow sooooooooo right and well said orp
  10. rules should be implemented by wise men instead of being followed blindly by idiots
  11. Orpheus just destroyed you.

  12. Cherry pick much? Why do you rebuttal the obvious but not the comments that make you look like a tool. Feel free to quote my comments on letting others do the work for you while you cry about KotFE working as a cohesive unit.
  13. cohesive unit = bullying birds of a feather stick together
  14. maybe it is about a clash of personalities - we have loads of it
  15. Just saw this! :lol:

    Congrats to you, Orph! Glad I could help! :mrgreen:
  16. @Ricco

    So a squadron of marines are bullies? Lol.
  17. Make this thread fun to read again plz .Last 60-70 pages have sucked. I'm bored 
  18. @ Stuffed animal groper

    What does a squadron of Devil dogs have to do with a war on KaW?
  19. @the proud groper

    of course if they bash up small kids just because they questioned them quite rightly about their actions.

    It is a matter of scale - leave the game forever because you made fun of us - we can insist this because we have big stats and there are lots of us. The bigger we are the smaller the crime needed to get you hounded out of the game

    Your 7 clans are no troop of marines another troop comes to mind that may be suitable though
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