KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. I was silenced before for posting an ally sale too many times within 5 minutes. So yes, I broke the rules. I'm a noob.
  2. I have to say, I find it almost cute that RoA thinks they're waging this epic war against KotFE. I went to CR to visit the other day and they're already bored to death having Cheese and friends in their ca. They don't even consider this a war.
  3. His bypass is still on his wall.
  4. That's because it's not a war.

    If kotfe and co. are calling this "war," they're truly even more pathetic than I thought.

    7 clans against 16 people is not "war."

    This is a bunch of cowardly man-children throwing a fit because they finally found a stubborn knucklehead who won't back down from them and let them have their way.
  5. Yes, it is, but it didn't need to be. This was kotfe's decision.

    Had they not made such a big stink over me expressing my opinion on Alison's thread, this thread would have never been created.
  6. Did they force you to make a thread?

  7. But I did anyway. Is there anything you can do about it?

    Not really, but you're welcome to continue whining about it and desperately trying to get a mod or support to silence me.
  8. @cheese did anyone force Alison to start attention whoring on forums? No. You and Alison made this a big deal...
  9. I'm glad you see through their "wall of fear" as well.
  10. Wrong. I'm not the one who went crying to my clan for help because somebody said something I didn't like in forums.
  11. This.
  12. Where did you find my pic?! :eek:
  13. Ok so kotfe em blame started farming Alison..... So she quit? She could have asked for a cf or waited for them to get bored... But NOPE! This was a dying matter until forums was brought in.
  14. @Cheese

    Don't break the ToU, you'll be fine. The funny thing is, this whole "you can't force me to do anything!" is becoming childish. You have nothing to play for but you think you can still be "annoying" with 7 clans on you. No allies, no pot, virtually no income.

    You're a carcass stripped of all it's meat. Yet you still think you're worth the fight.
  15. Just curious, does Alison even care about this anymore? Or are you just being a martyr Cheese?
  16. Did you even read her thread?
  17. Why don't the 7 clans just walk away from the carcass then. Maybe it is not about the meat perhaps it is about the refusal to give in.
  18. Yes, because one who continues to insult and disrespect deserves a "get out of jail free card".
  19. Whoever reported me for "sharing personal info" was wrong. That silence was reversed.


    You all are so desparate.

    I am worth a fight. You guys keep thinking I'm a "worthless" "carcass" "stripped of it's meat."

    First of all, kotfe hasn't burned a single defense pot off me. They haven't stripped a single ally off me. They have caused me zero losses.

    In the meantime, my PM is full of people volunteering hundreds of billions of gold in strip funds.

    You have no idea how many enemies kotfe has.

    The longer this continues, the larger my strips will get.

    Like I keep saying over and over again - keep underestimating me. :cool:
  20. So this is about, 'disrespect'. Respect cannot be enforced it can only be gained.

    Lots of people under duress feign respect. But it does beg the question again what is it really about. I believe it is about standing up to bullies who try and command false respect
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