KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. I'm not quite sure what being friends has to do with that. But okay.
  2. You called them "not too FRIENDly" pretty sure my post was dead on.
  3. Oh. Well you see, friendly is generally used as a term for nice, or welcoming. Not for wanting to be someone's friend.

    Oh Well, one day both KotFE and Cheese will both look back on this and laugh.

    I started off both lines the same.. weird.
  4. "Cheese-y" motto?
  5. He might be outnumbered but he's still smiling.
    Remind you of anyone?
  6. Every now and then, after my reset, I log back into kaw to see if anythings changed. (if Alison can do it, so can I :))

    This time I notice T5's are out, and the Devs have stopped releasing new equipment and I thought "great, perhaps this will be a war game again"...then I read a thread like this...

    I have no love for Kotfe, I was banned by them as I did not get on with a few players there (not going to say who).

    I did not cry about it (much lol) just went my own way, made new friends and continued to play they way I liked.

    This game was meant to be a war game. Things are said in the heat of the moment.

    Cheese, and all the keyboard warriors on this thread are making a mockery of the very game itself, the one we used to love.

    There are buttons, use them, attack, defend (pin) steel, he'll if u want talk smack on Walls, don't post crap on forums about it.

    Every war clan out there...look what they are doing to your game... Mods, u should have locked this thread at the very beginning. Devs, this is a mockery of Kaw.

    Keyboard warriors, put up with it, talk smack on their walls, dont make threads about it, drop all your allies and keep posting on that thread.

    This is kind of thing is a said reflection on you, the mods, the game
  7. Well put and from my stance a very interesting point of view. I really want to take issue with you on more than half of what you have said but I don't want to stray from the main point.

    In essence this is about the fact that war clans (actually one or two members at the top of the clan) can decide to drive people from the game for the most trivial of reasons.

    All of your suggestions about steal and pin really are laughable steal and pin 6 clans who will not accept any less than your departure from the game for a trivial reason. It is a war game it is strategic look at the weapons that you have and use them to best effect. That is what you have seen here.

    The way out of this - both sides compromise both sides stay in the game. Live and let live

    I applaud the Devs and Mods for allowing free speech and letting people say how they feel
  8. That's it

    I'm sick and tired of ppl saying cheese is alone, cuz he isn't

    I'm here, ricco is here, and the clan we r in is warring kotfe

    We r all fighting not just him
  9. Hi all been lurking the thread but who is "kotfe" never heard of the clan before
  10. Knights of the fire emblem
  11. suggestion - don't bother to read
  12. You can talk the talk, but the great clans walk the walk. Just saying.
  13. The talk has never been be stronger than the big clans - walk the walk I suppose means gang up and bully - yea you are right that is what they do
  14. How would you explain Ajax and his valient war skills? Just a curious question.
  15. For many many years through out history the "talk" has been, infact, greater than the "walk". It's called diplomacy. Avoiding war and conflict peacfully for thousands of years.

    Then again, if you talk the talk, you should at least try to stand up and walk the walk. That's what Cheese and RoA is doing. They're walking the walk.
  16. We sure r, and we will never stop walking
  17. Ajax, in himself, was a great warrior.

    He turtled himself against ZAFT and won singlehandedly. Need I say more?
  18. Cheese - When you're unsilence let me know. I need to talk to you about a private matter.
  19. Exactly. He won singlehandedly. This is a clan of people willing to fight for a cause no matter the outcome. Ajax was one person...Based on common logic they have a better chance of beating KotFE than Ajax. And Ajax won against ZAFT.

    Think about it.
  20. I like that logic frank
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