KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. KotFE Advanced Planning and Design Section proudly show HQ Interior

  2. maybe too much information on this thread - shame though lots more But this tactic needs replacing no more attacks on me
  3. KotFE camouflage undercover ops unit

  4. KotFE responds with proportional force to reports of player finding humour in this thread

  5. Wow! 110 pages. This really turned into a big deal.
  6. It was actually two threads merged together.
  7. wtf is this?

    I go away for awhile and iG has been erased from kaw, sun set, and now forum warriors are taking on war clans?

    KAW has been reduced to a crap app that isn't worth the free xtals the devs give out when they **** up. which is frequent.

    whoever the op is and whoever the one posting all the pics on the last page (probably the same person) are obviously desperate for attention.

    This isn't a war game anymore.

    this is just ********
  8. KotFE is funny, they throw their name around like it means something, and they farm, but when you hit them back, they go crying like babies to their clan, they make me laugh!!!!
    I'll join you cheese, I may be small, but I can be annoying too
  9. Well Cheese, I have much more respect for you than I do KotFE. You stood alone against them. That takes bravery, even if you believe strongly in what you're standing for. KotFE hides behind their clan. They act like they're tough Because they, as a clan, can farm you. Also, they're none too friendly.
  10.  think he's gonna end up a Kotfe farm
  11. All I see is win from kotfe 
  12. @Penguin

    Because when you talk **** or disrespect people you don't know they just line up to be your friend. I didn't know many of them, except for Duna, quite the respectful person. I was a guest and found out most of them acted like myself. But I digress.

    Although first impressions can mean a lot, ones ignorance can often cloud their future judgement.
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