KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Actually fighting is actually pressing a mouse button no more than that it doesn't make me laugh. Once again you are dressed up in your paper knights outfit plastic sword in hand wanting to fight (even though it's just pressing a mouse button) your inability to see this as just humor and not be threatened by it drives you with frustration to post such childish comments. The pictures have brought hundreds of futile attacks I have nothing to lose it would make no sense at all to steal from you because even if I have less than 1250 out you will get more than I have taken. The intelligent thing to do is have a really good laugh at the pompous attitude of your, 'Family of clans' frustrate you, draw hundreds of attacks that do nothing but waste your troops. Sorry if my playing style frustrates you but from my point of view my strategy (it is a strategic game) seems to be far superior to yours. If it makes you feel better I will drop a pot but be quick because lots of people like to hit me even though the only loss is to them. Thanks for your comments
  2. Another KotFE maths answer paper

  3. KotFE HQ toilets

  4. :lol:
    This is some pretty funny stuff. Am I wrong to hope for the underdog?
    Go Kotfe!
  5. KotFE information section sign

  6. LMFAO! love the new pics!
  7. Most people I think find it funny it is on the internet for that reason I just hope that you don't get hit for saying so. Thanks for just honestly saying what you think. It would be a much better game if we all could.
  8. Neutral players are supposed to be able to comment on war threads. If Kotfe wants to hit me for a single post on a friends thread, then by all means, show me the powah!
  9. Im with ya KotfE r dicks they Banned me for leaving there clan for a bit to help a friend out on a eb! Make more threads like this!  I salute you cheese!
  10. Advanced KotFE meteorological forecasting section

  11. LMFAO! damn ricco where u finding this stuff??
  12. KotFE minimum conditions for a fair fight

  13. New KotFE Advanced Planning and Design HQ

  14. CHEESE! I needs to talk to u bro
  15. Hells, not on this thread. Just wait till tomorrow.
  16. Ugh, ok, I hate my short patience
  17. New lightweight KotFE combat rucksack proves successful in field trials

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