KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Hells, you gotta put air quotes around the name of the person you're quoting.
  2. R u supposed to put spaces between the brackets and what they said?
  3. You need to put the quotations around the players name you're trying to quote. Aside from that everything else is right.
  4. Your response to me should have been your first post. Next time, you should preface your opinions with "I believe that..." Instead of presenting opinion as fact.
  5. Listen to Drgn.

    He knows stuff 
  6. Whatever you say Cheese.
  7. It would be
  8. Still not pinned, BTW. Troops @ 30%

    Tsk tsk tsk
  9. [quote"cooldragondudelozz"]whatever u say cheese]/quote]

    I shall do...
  10. Dammit 4got the equal sign
  11. Maybe practice on a different thread Hells 

    And maybe don't quote me >.>
  12. That and your 2nd to last bracket is facing the wrong way.
  13. If that doesn't work then I'm not trying again lol
  14. :D :D :D :D :D :D OH YEA!!

    Not so much of a noob now am I? :D
  15. God damnit. Now I'll have to get post 2000.
  16. Nice job, Hells. Bbcodes can be fun when you learn how to do them all properly.
  17. Now go Hells, go quote THE WORLD.
  18. I haven't been hit in over 5 min. Maybe they need another 7 clans?
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