KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Wow.... I got farmed by KotFE for saying cheese was awesome....
  2. Ah I see, totally understandable
  3. @USA u get uses to it
  4. Go cheese

    Kick their ass
  5. I literally hav only had bout 3 Inc today :lol: same person each time 2 I think
  6. I've known Ben a long time, an honorable guy, a great fighter, reasonable. That's my 2 cents.
  7. Gee 3 pages and no Cheesy copy paste or tacky comments.
  8. Dionise, you've been saying the same crap for weeks about me supposedly copy/pasting my message content.

    Name a single post where I've done that.
  9. So true cheese
  10. Lol this makes me laugh so much!
  11. Cheese, can I spam the next 41 posts so I can get post 1000? 
  12. JK...(40 more to go)
  13. Cheese getting silenced for 24 hours makes me laugh even harder....


    See you tomorrow Cheese. LMAO
  14. Guess who this is it is not pinky

  15. I can see you need help pinky I am on my way

  16. Was talking about how you copy someone's statement 4-5 paragraphs long and then put some pointless reply Cheesy.

    As eg The night I said Syria had nerve gas weapons. Your reply was, All lies Dionise is a liar. Mean while most adults already knew this.
    Then at WoT clan a player in Syria reported explosions, more lies you claimed. 97 ppl at WoT whom witnessed it all shook their head. Poor delusional Cheesy. More importantly the player has not been heard from since. We hope he's okay.

    Anyway we are all impressed with your suicide run. Many of us knew your rude interloping would get you burned eventually. I know, I know, your winning and I don't get the point.
  17. So, making sure I read right, u do t understand y we r fighting?
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