KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Cheese - are we ready to give up yet? Not sure I can take this licking much longer. Kittens really have raspy tongues...all this licking is starting to irritate.
  2. Orph Lol!

    This is the same thread. I changed the title back to the original title after Moose merged it
  3. Lol yeah cause there's one that said 'a cheesy merger thread' or whatever
  4. Yeah. This is the same one. I just changed the title back
  5. Oh gosh. You're the doppelgänger of this one guy I know
  6. Damn this still coming up in AT?? Picture on page one still gets me everytime XD for you peeps on PC
  7. Will this make it to 100 pages???

  8. Cheese you have not disappointed me with a single thread yet :lol: keep em coming buddy, love ya 
  9. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, one of my favorite ancient alien theorists.
  10. Not sure where I talked big or threatened anybody I just observed the characteristics that you are displaying now. I don't want to hide I just want to play the game in a fair friendly manner.
    I do enjoy bullies sticking to predictable type though, raging about what they are going to do to me and telling me I can't run. All you will ever need to do is type my name and then attack away.
    In fact greenie I am here right now attacking me now is better that the attacks I have had all night - I went to bed with zero gold woke up with zero gold, bullies have made hundreds and hundreds of attacks with the same inane futility and effect your ill thought words have. Don't be typical bully break out of the prison that is holding you down - change - be yourself laugh at this and yourself for taking on the character of a tough guy. I promise you will feel better and enjoy the game more. Forgive and love you

  11. That sounds like something a Christian would say, but I was expecting that it would be to like a satanist or something...
  12.  where is that pic from???
    I WANT IT!!!
  13. I was born in a Christian family and believe I have Christian values - I don't believe in any religion but tolerate them all. I am heterosexual but have no issues with homosexuality I place racists in the same category as bullies [/size]
  14. Cool!
    So... Uh...
    I'm bored so I'll do this
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  15. And it got screwed up
  16.  those eyes are creeping me out...
  17. The picture I posted was removed if it caused any offence I am sincerely

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    you can pm me
  18. Ricco y u leave? Jw
  19. Hell's I did not want you guys to get extra hits because of my posts your clan is not folding under the pressure even though you are getting hammered I don't want to make it worse for you. My views are my own not the clan's
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