KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Sorry Moose I am a noob at this :D
  2. Awwwww. They took me off their clan page! :cry:
  3. What do you call a KotFE member at university?

    A Janitor

    just that simple joke gives you a ban in their eyes wooooooooooow what is wrong with these players
  4. Lol suuuuure tiger. relax there cowboy! Your stats are giving them hell i bet
  5. You don't need to know who the hell i am. im one of many who is annoyed by your bs posts.
  6. Yup, cool beans indeed.
  7. @cheese, I had an argument with you and alison in the previous thread regarding cr vs alison. Did I start farming you? did kotfe start farming you for disagreeing with me? Why do you and alison keep making this out to be something other than alison picking a fight with me and than losing. I get that you need to look like your doing the RIGHT thing. My clan mates think they're also doing the right thing. So why is it wrong for my family to have their own views? and protecting their views and opinions? You say we are trying to bully you, yet when I first posted on forums you and alison and your forum army tried to bully me in forums. You want to say we're crying? lmao, there's nothing you can do to make anyone cry.
    Cheese, did I just starting farming you for expressing your views? Get real bro, First time I didn't even bother, we just disagreed on forums and that was it. The second time, I took the time and tried to explain and show you proof, even if you don't think thats enough, I tried. So how could you say I didn't go out of my way to not get people involved? I could've easily put you and alison up on CA the first time.
    You want to brag about not being pinned, seriously ? I've always tried to be diplomatic even to a single person or a single clan.
  8. Yes, they did.

    I edited the OP to explain why. Whatever happened between you and Alison is between you two. The only reason I got involved was because your clan came after me for expressing my views on her goodbye thread, which is now linked in the OP.

    There's nothing wrong at all with expressing your views. I encourage and enjoy good banter. Hell, I respect the hell out of you for taking the time to not only post a coherent response here on this thread, but also for taking the time to talk to me in pal to tell your side of the story.

    Like I told you in pal, there are always 3 sides to every story, and what you and Alison were saying didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. That's when I realized this whole situation was just a big misunderstanding.

    And now here we stand, both sides fully dug in, unwilling to relent believing equally in our purpose and our cause. Your side for defending against an escalated attack and my side for defending my right to express myself.

    Please post proof of my forum bullying. Like I said before, you and Alison were at each other's throats, but I remained a biased third party. Biased toward my friend, but not abusive.

    I said you're crying because someone asked for my first thread to be deleted. I assumed it was because one of your members cried to a mod to have it locked and deleted.

    This isn't entirely true. You did go out of your way to explain it to me, but some of your clanmates still came after me for expressing my view on Alison's thread.

    Again, I have respect for you for doing that, and you know this because you and I have talked in pal about this situation already.

    Yes, you have. And like I said before, this entire situation was a misunderstanding. I tried to explain this, but the hits kept coming, so I retaliated with the tools I have available to me - forums.

    I did what I had to do because I was cornered. Alison's thread is there for all to see and review the escalation of words exchanged and how I even began to bend toward your side of the story after you and I talked in pal.

    I know you're a reasonable person. I can be, too when I'm shown respect.
  9. Ok, just read the review, and I'm still with cheese

    Everything he said wuz completely right

    And I will never shut up either, I saw the pm that nightmare sent to Alison, that wuz (I believe) borderline cyberbullying

    So heres what I hav to say:

    I will continue to support -Alison- and fight, I will never stop, till cheese's demands and (if she has any) Alison's demands

    Lets go kotfe, show me what ur made of
  10. Sry screwed that up

    I will never stop till their demands r met
  11. [sizs=200]KotFE sucks meat[/size]
  12. KotFE sucks so bad they made me mess up my BB code
  13. Go cheese ;) wooo!!
  14. Is it good to be a bully?

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  15. @ Ben stop whining over a fight you and I had that nobody cares about. Retire. Have a good life. You will be not be remembered because you are are generic KaW boob.
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