KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    @grammer unicorn

    Many players don't even use forums I'm sure that the greater portion of the community doesn't even know about this war (almost made up a statistic).
  2. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Who's been stripped? lady of the machines and pantyraid machine. kotfe has yet to pull off a strip on me. :mrgreen:
  3. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    yeah, i don't (pout) but you have time cause
    who obviously doesn't have a summer internship (wink) or the ability to recognize a civil response (giggle)
    so yeah, i'm gonna
    cause there's like no point in talking with you when you deny even the things you yourself have said and done.
    you have lost the credibility you used to have (pout)

    but don't worry cheesy, i'll pop in from time to time to hear your witty retorts such as
  4. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I could care less what you believe or don't.

    I don't want or need your advice.

    You kidding me? He threw the first stone.

    I don't care about win or loss. You're missing the whole point behind why I'm doing what I'm doing. I keep having to explain it over and over and over again.I'll use giant, bold text for emphasis - maybe it'll stick better.

    I am fighting and running my mouth to show the KaWmmunity that I refuse to be bullied into bowing down from sticking up for my friends.

    Words are part of war. If you'd ever been in a real war before, you'd know this. :roll:
  5. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    http://s1093.photobucket.com/albums/i42 ... ee/alison/

    I'm retiring for real life purposes and I really don't feel like this is the original game I came to love. As far as alison, you are still a attention whore who asks for 1 vs 1 and than cries. Than lies about **** to get pity and sympathy from the forum noobs. Fact 1: you got ppl in the clan you were in to hit me first.
    fact 2: You cried on forums in less than 12 hours saying you retire because you can't handle the hits.
    Should've just apologized for the misunderstanding and we couldve engaged in the 1 vs 1, instead you decide to run to forums and cry saying, kotfe started hitting you first. Also to cheese, you wanted proof, so i showed you the proof, yet you are so up alison's ass, you don't want to admit that she is wrong. I wanted to give you guys a cf before i left but after all the **** you've talked up to this point, I see no point in that. Have fun, like alison always say's, Its a war game and SHE plays it the way its supposed to be played. Wipe your tears than alison, your only being pinned in a game.
  6. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Neither do most of my peers. You think it's easy getting an internship in industry in this economy, you've got your head up your fourth point of contact, buttercup.

    Why are you making things up? You brought in an irrelevant fact that doesn't support the argument you've made regarding me "denying things I myself have said and done."

    Cheers, Darling. I'll be eagerly awaiting them, so I can chew them up and spit them out.
  7. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    The "proof" you showed me was from someone who wasn't even at ISS during the time of the original incident.
  8. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    And there goes all my respect from cheese! Anyway I'll leave your ego thread cheese because I doubt you'll stop lashing out at everyone anytime soon. :p
  9. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Why are you all mad because I stick up for myself and my friends?

    Are you all really that desparate to conquer others in an online video game? Are you compensating for something missing in your life?
  10. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Cheese, please don't triple quote, it gets confusing :|
  11. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread


    In my humble opinion, the point of this is to show that Cheese won't be pushed around. Him sticking up for his point, and "lashing out" at everyone who doesn't agree, is proof of that.

    Yeah. Everyone's insults aren't all that great sometimes. Disrespecting military, not so awesome. But hey. I see people call others retarded. And you know what? Having a mentally retarded sibling isn't nice.

    You don't know what your insults do a lot of the time, and there's a lot of unknowing disrespect. Maybe a lot of conscious disrespect. Either way, it's not all that great of you to keep nitpicking at one thing. I'm sure cheese respects the Air Force. But this is KaW, where there's always going to be trash talk. Emphasis being on trash.
  12. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    OK. Sorry. I will stop.
  13. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Anyone who doesn't like cheese or Doesn't want this on the front page anymore, stop posting, stop giving him the attention he craves so much. His ignorance and arrogance won't stop because you have a go at him. Let his 5 minutes of fame die...
  14. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    So courageous of you!
  15. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Ok, I stopped reading a few pages back, but everybody bitching about the "chair force" remark needs to shut the **** up. If Cheese hadn't of been in the military himself, I can see where some people might be upset and a little offended. But every military branch has their own little cutsie pet names for each other, and chair force happens to be one of them. It goes along with terms such as Jarheads, Learhernecks, Puddle Jumpers, and Squids. Depending on what branch of the military Cheese was in, he would be referred to as one of those names by a member of the Air Force. It's all part of the rivalry.
  16. What blade said is true. You must be very close to current or former members of the military.
  17. OP updated to show the history of this fiasco. I'm tired of explaining it over and over.
  18. Cheese :( Y u no on your hate thread?
  19. More fun reading this thread than playing KAW.
    Lots of emotion here, accusations of who said and did what and what people should or should not do.
    All of it, 'nit-picking' minor old women s banter.
    These minor issues are really of no consequence at all but they do reveal an attitude. The attitude that cheesey is a trouble maker a pain in the butt. What has he done farmed, stripped? No it is a much more serious crime than that, he expressed his view.
    It is so serious that he must leave the game. Any clan accepting him will have all members farmed - he will be prevented from growing and driven out.
    The normal rule of KAW is that the biggest and strongest can never be wrong and they don't even care if they are wrong in relation to the normal perception of fair play. Cheesey simply stood up to that and because he is still standing up to it we have the most entertaining thread on the forum. Their anger and indignation ferments - our laughter has to stop because my sides are hurting so much
  20. Ugh. The bold text hurts my eyes.

    Wh do yo insist on hurting my eyes?
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