Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread I'm gonna tag my name so people think I'm cool. Here are some options: USARMY_Imitation-Cheese_Infantry US_Army_Imitation-Cheese_Aribrone-Infantry US_Army_Imitation-Cheese_Combat-Infantry What do you think, mister CmoneyCHAIRFORCE?
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread The 3-5 we got up every night all night. Sure that one. Looks like someone didn't score high enough on their ASVAB
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Arguing like a child really makes you you look so good USAF
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Like you're supporting the US Air Force sooo well by flaunting it like a medal. So you flew some planes! Cool story, bro.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Lol! Talking about the air force and ground troops This is Kaw. A game - no one cares how long your pony is boys. Besides - I've probably been in more danger than you self-proclaimed war heroes when battling the crowds during the end of year shoe sales.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread I scored an 86, numbnuts. I could have done any job in the military, including the Air Force. You know why I joined? I joined to ******* fight!
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Haha of course Queso supporters would point the finger at me...wonder who brought up the military thing first...oh yeah and I'm the immature one.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Not to bash on the Air Force. I'm only addressing CMoney. I have the utmost respect for our military *observes moment of silence*
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OK, you win! I TOTALLY give up!
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Scored a 91 myself...had recruiters offering all kinds of **** to enlist..
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Like an ASVAB is relevant? Most of the barely literate auto shop kids I knew could score at least 70. It's a recruiting tool like everything else.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread I never "randomly" bring my work into this game. Nor do I flaunt it around seeking attention, but when some dip **** wants to talk like he knows anything about what I or any of the people defending this country do everyday, regardless if they're military as well. I'm damn sure gonna say something.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Are you kidding? I was a recruiter for 2 years out here in los angeles. I had to turn away roughly 50% of applicants because they couldn't pass the damn ASVAB. High school grads, too!
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread This thread made me laugh so hard, diarrea almost shot out of my fingertips into your eyes. There it went!
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Well..I thought it was pretty easy. I've known a hell of a lot of people though that did not score well on it at all. I always wondered how anyone could ever fail or score so low on that test. I took the Navy's nuke test as well. Now that test I must say is pretty ******* hard.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread I have the upmost respect for everyone that serves our armed forces. I would ask you two to please stop the arguing over the armed forces. Both of you are on the same side in RL.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread I wondered the same thing myself, blade. My mind was blown when I was a recruiter. Most folks just can't seem to get above a 35 on the damn thing.
Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread @RogerRabbit, damn good point you long eared Jessica Rabbit fucker you.