KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I sleep well, Dionise. I haven't lost a minute of sleep over this. I've got nothing visible for them to take.

    I will not apologize because I am not sorry. I have done nothing wrong to them to have provoked their attacks on me. If anything, they owe ME an aplogy for attacking me unprovoked.

    I have ZERO interest in ending this. I'm happy to continue this game indefinitely.

    And Dionise, you might wanna wipe your nose off, you've got **** all over it. :lol:
  2. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I like Brave Brave Sir Robin In Monty Python...reminds me of some brave knights I've met recently...
  3. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    So I guess I shouldn't hold my breath then. 
  4. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Okay I just noticed all the spelling errors and grammar flips so I was worried.

    Sorry, carry on have great fun.

     I don't see anything.
  5. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    @Cheese - Your mouth (fingers) is what you're doing wrong. You don't know when to shut up. You have all the noobs convinced you are "holding off" the big bad war clans. That's cool if that's your target audience - all the real warriors and our past victims know what's really going on. These forum noobs and eb ONLY champs are the only thing keeping your ego afloat.

    I hope that poor clan that you're hiding in saw what you just typed...and how you're not even fighting back at this point. Making them suffer because you don't want to suffer alone. Attention whore much?
  6. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Cmoney's just mad because Cheese's KotFE bashing thread gets more attention than the cheese bashing thread.
  7. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Nope. You can put that dream in a pipe and smoke it, big dawg. ;)
  8. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Don't talk to me about "warriors," mister chair force. I've probably got boots with more combat experience than you.
  9. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    (please note i didn't feel like reading 700 posts)

    KotFE, Cheese, it really doesn't look like either of y'all will back down. KotFE, i suggest you be the better people and get this **** over with. Cheese isn't surrendering, you're clearly wasting your time with him.
    Hell, i'll even buy the 20bil ally for you, if you seriously aren't willing to buy the ally. Nobody is going to doubt your power. No offense, but 1 vs an entire clan makes the entire clan look like total, stuck-up pricks. And i mean that in the nicest way possible, i'm just trying to get the point across. This isn't doing you any good, KotFE. It's unproductive.
  10. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Im Tea and I approve this Thread
  11. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Just my two cents. 
  12. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Support for -Deadly-'s last post
  13. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    @ deadly you post is correct, except that cheese is not being hit by whole clan, he's being hit by a whole family of clans, I think about 5-6. I have 2 clans farming me because clearly one is not enough for the overkill approach. Sad that noobs like beeftrap, who has since changed his banner. Accused me of being a ***** for being in pin...I wonder what an idiot like that expects...would love 1 v 1 with him and we would see who the ***** is.
  14. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    :lol: love the picture
  15. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Lol cheese. I hope you slept good at night in those boots thanks to what I do in the Air Force for you. Think before you say dumb **** like that again.

    Must be awesome to have forums full of support.....wait...how many of these "supporters" are actually...supporting you.
  16. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I hope you enjoyed your nice air-conditioned office doing whatever support function you did while I was out dodging bullets and bringing the fight to the enemy on their homefront.
  17. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    C'mon Cheese, give the guy a break. He still had to pass his 1.5mile run on a treadmill every year.
  18. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I say again...you can thank me later for that Gunship flying over your head watching your back.

    Now that the pissing contest is over. Answer my other question.
  19. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    :lol: Oh, the agony!
  20. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    You mean that gunship we could never get clearance for because there were too many civies in the AO?
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