KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    The Cheese Incident: KOTFE Retaliates

    I can see this in a newspaper. For serious.
  2. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

  3. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    If anyone want ss of kotfe being douches to -Alison- and/or Wannabe_Chuck_Norris asking me if I want to 1vclan him :lol:

  4. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Bummm bummmm bummmmmmmmmm. 
  5. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Who wants to join Team Cooldragon?
  6. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Sign me up CD
  7. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    @theGking it would really be the -Alison- revolution. Cheese just blew it up.
  8. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Everytime I come to lurk this thread I just bust out laughing at cheeses baby photo for KotFE, after almost 60 pages I just had to let cheese know how funny that picture is. 
  9. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Glad you like it. :mrgreen:

    I found it quite amusing how offended they got about me disrespecting their clan.

    I suspect they asked CG to lock the previous thread, but I have no way of knowing that aside from a hunch.
  10. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    This is still going? :lol: Good grief cheese(s)! This is going to turn into a bigger war then the summer and all star wars!
  11. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Cheese no allies?
  12. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Being an epic pain in the ass - I haz it. :cool:
  13. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    You don't need allies to strip. ;)
  14. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Wow now the screenshots are up......
  15. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I'm a tiny noob, so I know I'll be told that my 2 cents is worth less than you Veteran Kaw warriors, but I'll throw it in anyway.
    There seem to be a lot of stripped players creating threads saying they are going to "terrorize" a big war clan. That it's some kind of strategy to continue warring with zero allies. Also claiming that they can continue warring forever as they have nothing to lose.
    I believe that's a game play problem with Kaw. Players get stripped, left with zero gold - unless the war clan decide to pin the loser for weeks on end, it's all over. Stats are left intact and max plunder regained in a day.
    I think we should be able to do damage to a kingdoms build. Once the are stripped of allies/pots/gold, attacks should start inflicting damage to buildings - downgrading them until you just have land left, one build/land at a time.
    There is a lot more to lose that way - stats to lose - and defeat will be blatantly obvious.
    I think this would stop threads by those who are obviously defeated, claiming they are still fighting the good fight.
    You would look pretty silly claiming that you are still in the fight when you have been beaten down to zero stats.
    For some reason, people are buying the claim that fighting after strip is "winning".
    Imagine the tears in forums when a HCBC kingdom is beaten down to my stats. 

    Ok. Back to my epic battle now.
    Repeat action! Repeat action!

  16. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Cheese did you see the ss on how nightmare pm alison? What do you think about this?
  17. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread


    It's part of the game - get over it.

    And just because I don't keep allies doesn't mean I'm broke.

    Y'all keep on underestimating me - that's good, because I'm gonna bite someone in the ass soon.

    I play this game on my terms.

    Besides, when was the last time you saw a pure spy with allies? Just because I'm an attack build does not mean I need to carry any allies.
  18. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I saw it. I think it's a reflection of one member's poor character. It reflects poorly on his clan, which is unfortuanate.
  19. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Cheesy!!! 
    I can't believe you just said,
    "It's part of the game - get over it".

  20. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    It would be kind of dumb to try and keep allies ATM.
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