KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I didn't insult, but there was backlash anyway...
  2. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I don't remember insulting an "infamous war clan" and I'm taking hits.

  3. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    @hells angel, are you talking about the threads that kaw_admin posts about new/important things? If so, these are posted in the News section and show up in AT as News section, but if you got to any other section, Strategy, Off Topic, etc. you can find these threads at the top and post in them.
  4. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I think by posting we're getting hit...
    Oh crap
  5. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    If you say that you support cheese, you become a target...
  6. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    So many posts :eek:
  7. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Apparently. I had a talk with a Machine last night and was told I wasn't a target, and as far as he was concerned it was over. I guess he was the only one that felt that way..
  8. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Hey drgn
  9. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    I support both cheeses

    A blissfully cheesy union
  10. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    hey ooz
  11. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Hi dave
  12. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

  13. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Hey dave, hru?
  14. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Well that's childish...
  15. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Very kind of you, good Sir! :mrgreen:
  16. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

  17. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Duna seems to be their work horse
  18. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    @ooz he's... Fa-Fa-farming you???? BAN HIM!
  19. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    The DUNAnaiter strikes again
  20. Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread

    Farming?! 

    So violent!

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