KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Looking for help? Where the **** did you get THAT moronic idea from? Where the hell did I even remotely imply that I needed any help?

    I'm perfectly happy handing you all your asses on my own.
  2. Willeh, ya pretteh cool too
  3. Hmm.. Maybe he wants some biscuits n cheese with a nice rp in pm? Follow him back guys. He's probably a nice guy when he's not so butthurt. And failing at leading a clan. And what cheese said in op.
  4. Love you too, buddy! :cool:
  5. :lol:
  6. Cheese you got a lotta bro's. Bro's before hoe's, huh?
  7. One letter, no biggie, auto correct no save. And I understand it was just you letting your PMS emotions out, but, the title said recruitment. TherEfor, spam.
  8. Ahh so u didnt just agree to help from
    Dahnitz! Lol u are such a noob!

    Keep making threads and trying to get attention and help
  9. I can't believe a player like you would cry and pout this much. You even said it yourself. The fight between Ben/Alison was 1v1, alts are apart of his "account" right? Same person. Alison cried and had friends hit. Obviously that's not a 1v1 anymore.

    What don't you get?
  10. You know it! :p
  11. Look up the word "satire."
  12. Igropenoob you talk like your a well informed participant when really you have no idea. Learn to keep your tired and boring mouth closed for once until you know the WHOLE story. You pathetic wanna be
  13. Asjay, we were joking about. Your clan already failed a few hits on a hansel. Oh, and spell my name right.
  14. Alison u stayed?? :D :D :D YES!
  15. You're clearly misinformed, good Sir.
  16. Ahhh so u not gonna help him? Lol
  17. Lol -Alison-
    Told you she wouldn't be gone forever.
  18. If you keep failing hits I might show you how it's done.
  19. You're back! :mrgreen:
  20. Lol u know where to find me anytime!
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