KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. All I have to say is when Cheesey gets out the Spoon he stirs the pot deeeeeeeeeeep!!Spell check this Grammar Nazi!!
  2. Does anyone even care what the real story is at this point?

    I just sit and watch as you and your forum crew handle this like...well, forum noobs. The 10,000 KotFE cry threads are enough to negate any high ground you may have once had. Really this is becoming a fight to see if you can post enough slander/propaganda to make people believe that KotFE/CR aren't handling business as well as I'm sure they are.

    Trash talk and funny threads don't win wars, and they don't keep you from being pinned/stripped either. Although it seems like the definition of "winning" has changed now. At least among forumers.
  3. Re: Just want to get this right...

  4. Re: Just want to get this right...

    **** just got real
  5. Re: Just want to get this right...

  6. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Random KOTFE member

    2/2/9 stl np
    0/1/9 attack np purpose lose to show them who it is
  7. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Love the polar bear vader, btw...

    Yet another cheese I'm rooting 4!! :D CHEESES FTW!
  8. Sorry I didn't present the explanation according to how you'd like. I'm happy to go back and edit the post if it means that much to ya. Why would I need support? I'm still fighting this battle on my terms. I still have yet to take any losses.

    I didn't call them meanines, I called them cowards - big difference there. Please make sure you quote me correctly if you're going to join this debate.

    And yes, I think any respectable player in a war clan ought to be able to fend for themselves.

    I already explained what went down regarding Alison and ISS. Please reread my post.

    Alison doesn't have a clan, so you're completely mistaken about that part.

    I made a satirical attack against KotFE - hardly a "big whaaa thread."

    The thread had nothing to do with not protecting clanmates. Again, reread the thread before putting words in my mout, please.

    If you think what I'm doing is crying, I have no rebuttal for you other than to tell you to reread the threads and my comments in them.

    I will repeat, however, that I'm perfectly happy with the way things are going.

    I have taken almost zero losses. They continue to use attack potions when attacking, thus reducing their gains.

    I have inflicted damage to their clan's reputation as well as one of their member's finances.

    I've successfully forced an entire family of clans to bear down on me in an attempt to muzzle me.

    I'm going to keep running my mouth and doing strips when I feel so compelled.

    I have no reason not to be happy with the way this is going.

    I say again to them - What is KotFE going to do about the Cheese problem?
  9. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Duna machine 1/2/9 stl 0/1/9 att
  10. Re: Just want to get this right...

    I will post hits to public as I have no clan so I can keep them out of this
  11. Re: Just want to get this right...

    The two cheeses unite to make the ultimate cheese........ Blue cheese:O
  12. Re: Just want to get this right...


    Jigsaw, maybe you should revise your thread, before too many more people realize how much of a tool you are.

    This is like saying Obama and Osama are the same person because they're names are similar.

  13. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Lol harry
  14. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Jz90 1/2/9 stl np
  15. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Jb farm machine stl 3/3/9 np

    I'm aiming for admins FYI
  16. Cheese you aren't stripping anyone.

    I'll make you a deal...

    I'll go inactive for the next 6 hours and let you strip me. Buy as many allies as you want and take as much gold as you possibly can. I'll take honest ss'ed of my losses and post them in forums.

    You willing to prove your posts are more than just weak propaganda?
  17. So I didn't take 30b off xXx_LaDY_OF_ThE_MaCHiNES_xXx?
  18. Re: Just want to get this right...

    Delphine (happy mistake autocorrect), when did jigsaw say they were the same person? Am I missing something?

    He CLEARLY wrote on his thread, IMITATION CHEESE. string cheese was just a joke. Read the thread, you get who he's targeting easily!

    String cheese, no one gives a flying monkey that you are doing little to no damage to kotfe. Stop trying to become popular by saying this publicly. If you don't fizzle out in a month, fine state it. Until then, fight don't talk.

    I have declared war on KotFE in another thread where I was recording hits since I am clanless and won't have enough speakers to post in WC, and allies chat would be meaningless.

    I have decided to recruit against KotFE as I realize solo vs LB clan is a little futile (lol- little).
    If you post on this thread not in support of me against KotFE you will be counted against me and with KotFE and will be farmed and "you gold cleansed" lmfao. -Mr. Jiggy Juggalo.
    Happy farming!

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