Anyone else say the speech in a scottish accent? I did, and i also interjected a few laddies in it as filler
don'tcha mean alison targeted and attacked a kotfe member like you said before? but i get why you wanna gloss over that part when you want support for your side (wink) yup, so you made a thread calling kotfe meanies for protecting their members when they get attacked and not playing the game by the 1v1 rules that you made up and think everybody should follow (grin) and this time didn't you leave out that bendagee with his alt were going pvp with alison until she told ISS she was getting pinned, like hi clan i'm in, i'm under attack. or, alison the warrior attacked a kotfe member who hit back as pvp. then alison's clan jumped in and then kotfe jumped in. then cheesy got upset and made a big whaaa thread about how clans shouldn't protect peeps that his friends want to beat up on, so kotfe is hitting him (shrug) cheesy, as long as this is your justification, the big crybaby here is you (frown)
Just want to get this right... This is mainly aimed at JIGSAW, a dumbass that needs to get his facts straight. Me and imitation-cheese are NOT the same person. We are friends in KaW attracted by our usernames being so cheesy names (lol) But thanks for making me so famous dipshit
Re: Just want to get this right... Never said you were if you happen to read the thread i addressed the issue of my name play.
@'watchgit . I followed you twice to tell you my side of the story, but you ignore that. You prefer to make up your own rubbish based on facts from your brave Kotfe friends. Stop running off at the mouth until you at least take the time to get the whole story and both sides of the story. You pathetic little Kotfe propaganda alt.
Re: Just want to get this right... "mass cleansing of your gold" lmfao good one Oh no Not a 1.6m guild hansel! NOOOOOOOO! Not my t5 gold! WHYYYYYY
Re: Just want to get this right... So, String-Cheese is a imitation of ImitationCheese? Seems legit.... :lol: